“…you are storing up wrath…” Romans 2:5

 Though salvation comes entirely through faith, those who reject God’s way through an unrepentant heart store up wrath against themselves. How? According to Paul, every person will appear before God to give an account for one’s actions at the time of judgment. For those who sought to do good through life, God will reward with eternal life. For those who sought selfish causes and evil practices, God will return the evil back to them and they will experience trouble and distress (vv. 5 – 10).

Many theologians use this section of scripture to support a more liberal interpretation of salvation by works. Indeed, James (the half-brother of Jesus) provided a clearer perspective of the significance of works in one’s life:

“What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead.

But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder.

You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deed is useless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,’ and he was called God’s friend. You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”

We see, then, that the disciples thought it expedient that those who profess Christ had to back up their words with actions. This is seen in the first days after the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, whose name became Paul. The disciples and other Christians were quite tentative toward Paul, especially considering how he had been the leader of those who were hunting-down Christians to have them stoned to death (read Acts 7:58, 9:1-19).

In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul clarified his remarks on one’s actions: “For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” (v.13) So, we see that even Paul would concur with James about one’s deeds validating one’s faith.

Have you rejected faith in Christ? You are storing up wrath against yourself. You may not believe it, but what if you’re wrong? Are you willing to place your soul in such jeopardy? Eternity is real. Consider the claims of Christ. He died for your sins which separate you from God. Pray, asking Christ to speak to you and surrender your heart and soul to Him today. Then… live so that others would never question your faith walk, for faith without works is dead.

Have a blessed day…


“…God’s kindness leads to repentance” Romans 2:4

Paul did not mince words with those new Christians in Rome, stating they were complicit in the licentiousness of their own culture IF they enabled those who practiced those things God finds detestable (vv. 1:18 – 32). All mankind is without excuse (vv. 1:20 & 2:1) to continue in rebellion towards God, since God’s invisible qualities have been clearly seen through what was created. First century Rome reflected the heyday of Hellenism: a hodge-podge of polytheism, hedonism, polygamy, and Greek philosophy… all changing to suite the demands of the ruling class and then filtering ‘down’ through the layers of society. In his letter to the Roman church, Paul was confronting the entire Roman social order. He wasn’t necessarily charging the Roman Christians with compromise, though he was making it clear that they had better be salt and light in a very dark environment – not unlike America today.

Most Christians of the first century were converted from Judaism, believing Jesus to be The Promised Messiah Who was sent to establish a new order, thus a new covenant which replaced the old covenant through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Paul’s letters would be surreptitiously shared to the local Jews (v. 2:17) who knew exactly what Paul was referring to in this next section of his letter: the religious leaders who live corrupt lives, similar to the historical account of Eli’s two sons (read 1 Samuel 2:12-36). Paul did not want the early Christian church to be polluted by such a mindset, giving stern warning to church and temple leaders who might consider compromising one’s life to ‘fit in’ with their society whose predominant theme was, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”.

The first verse of chapter two is often misused by liberal theologians and those who live compromised lives. They leave off the end of the verse. Here’s how the entire verse reads:

“You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Paul is indicting the licentious acts filtering into the community of faith. He confronts them, once again, with the ideal of absolute truth – God’s unchanging standard of righteousness (v.2):

“Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.”

Like a skilled litigation attorney, Paul is building his case to eventually show that everyone will stand guilty before a holy, righteous God… but I’m getting ahead of myself. The absolute truth is revealed through what was created. Paul’s indictment continues against the compromised religious leaders with the weight of a witness against them (as the accused know that God sees everything):

“So, when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? (v.3)

While Paul is presenting the absolute truth that all will be held accountable before God, he also presents the loving character of God, Who is rich in tolerance, patience and kindness, desiring that none should perish (vv. 4 & Ezekiel 33:11; 1 Timothy 2:4; & 2 Peter 3:8-10). God’s wrath should never be presented without revealing His longsuffering and desire to see all come to repentance. Indeed, God’s kindness leads to repentance… and repentance leads to the heart of God through Jesus Christ.

While the theme of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is God’s righteousness, Paul had to begin by exposing the corrupt nature of man. America today is very similar to the first century Roman culture. In fact, Americans have even developed their own saying to enable compromise. Have you ever heard the words, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”? And we have bought-in to the lie of embracing the sin of others with labels of “choice” and “alternative lifestyle”.

It is only when one sees oneself as a sinner, unrighteous, that one is able to grasp the divine work of Christ on the cross – dying for the sins of mankind. It is God Who made the provision for our sin, not we ourselves. We can do nothing to justify our worthiness for Heaven. God’s kindness was ultimately expressed through Jesus Christ on the cross… it all points to the cross and the empty tomb. For His kindness, we celebrate the risen Christ every Sunday, which reminds us to be forever grateful – rising every day to bless the Lord!

Have a blessed day…


“Therefore, God gave them over…” Romans 1:24

Those who suppress absolute truth are given over to degrading, destructive, demoralizing, spiritual decay. All of us sin, and some more than others. God beckons sinners time and time again to repent and turn from their sinful pattern to be redeemed and regenerated by the power of salvation, prayer, and the transforming work of The Word upon one’s mind. Those who refuse to open their minds and hearts to God’s redemptive love are given over to become prisoners of their own sinful desires leading to sexual impurity – the kind of impurity leading to momentary sensual pleasure which could be achieved in a variety of ways. I told you this may get messy.

Three times, Paul described how God gave those, who suppress His truth, over to moral and physical decay (vv. 24, 26, & 28). Those who refuse God’s truth for righteous living, changing the truth of God for a lie choose to worship the creation rather than the Creator (v.25). What enraptures one toward sexual addiction and compulsion for sexual gratification apart from God’s design leads one away from the peace of God that comes from living righteously. It is a trap leading to death. They are given over:

  • “…for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” (v.24) In other words, the drive to seek pleasure leads to exploring or inventing ways to heighten the pleasure (v.30), prolong the pleasure, and discover new ways to intensify what, in the end, is only momentary. Those who venture into this abyss only know the mantra sung by Mick Jagger, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” The law of diminishing returns begins to demand a greater and greater ‘rush’, leading one to venture further into the abyss of satisfaction’s demands.

  • “…to shameful lusts.” (v.26) Paul described how, in one’s quest for satisfaction, one is led to exchange God’s natural design for that which is unnatural. Then Paul specifically called out the ‘elephant in the room’: “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” (v.27) Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years, and for thousands of years God has called it wrong – out of step with His design for men and women to experience abundant living (Leviticus 20:13). Abundant living is not found in the euphoria of a climactic moment, it is found in daily acts of love and demonstrating God’s love to those who desperately need it. One cannot live in “covenantal love” with one of the same sex, as it would be out of covenant with God. God’s design has been for covenantal love to be between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6).

  • “…to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” (v.28) What led those who rejected the truth of God to do what ought not to be done? They did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God. God provided His Word for guidance, and it was rejected… the same as throwing The Bible in the trash can. Like love and goodness, sin also, has a ripple effect… a domino effect, if you please. Those who know God’s righteous decree and approve of those who practice the sin become complicit in the sin – enabling the sinner to grow arrogant and boastful about their own sin (vv. 30 & 32). The dominos create a ripple effect of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity acted out through envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, insolence, and even to hating God and His loving precepts for righteous living… good living (vv. 29 – 30).

The ripple effect of sin continues its destructive pattern when those who have rejected God’s way lose all sense of caring for God’s righteous ways. Those ways have to become senseless to make the rationale which enable the sinful acts. Once that happens, the one caught in sin’s trap loses faith and his/her heart becomes unresponsive to the tenderness of God’s voice calling them to repentance, leading to a ruthless defiance toward God and His people (v.31).

The sin continues to even have an effect in the home as children feel empowered to disobey their parents (v.30). You see, when adults choose to reject God’s ways it leads to a domino effect which, like a germ, infects their immediate realm of influence and beyond. Pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, homosexuality, etc. all derive from a search for pleasure, satisfaction, and significance. Though, misdirected, they reflect the brokenness of mankind. We are all broken in some form or fashion – it began at the dawn of creation through Adam and Eve.

Perhaps you know someone caught in the trap of sexual sin. Pray for God’s open door and an opportunity to point this one to Jesus, Who offers freedom from sin and abundant living which offers peace. The peace come from knowing all things are well between God and those He restores unto righteous living. We perform no benefit to the world to remain silent about an issue God has addressed in His Word. Choose carefully how you present God’s love to others… avoid a condemning confrontation and foolish arguments… don’t fall into that trap. Make a difference through your loving approach and redeeming heart.

Thanking God for His power to redeem…

 Recommended read:

“Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality” by Wesley Hill

“…men who suppress the truth…” Romans 1:18c

In 1976, Francis A. Schaeffer published the book, “How Should We Then Live”. In the book, Schaeffer compared the philosophic, scientific, and religious similarities of ancient Roman culture to the post-modern culture of America. Schaeffer used those similarities to predict the downfall of America from within. He exposed the impending relativistic thought of post-modernity and predicted how it would lead to a growing fragmentation of American society, leading to the collapse of long-standing mores and an embrace of relativism in education and law.

Mankind rarely learns from the mistakes of the past, which is why history repeats itself. Paul presented an argument similar to Schaeffer’s by contrasting absolute truth and relativism, outlining relativism’s progressive degeneration of thought. Like Schaeffer, Paul even used the art of his day (the sculptured works used as idols) to support his argument against illogical thinking and the decline of society through choosing self-satisfaction over absolute truth (vv. 22 – 23).

Paul began his argument by stating those who live righteous, good lives, do so through the dynamic of faith (v.17). The intangible nature of faith seems to be a frequent roadblock to secularists who cannot get past their preoccupation with pleasure. So, Paul confronts secularists with the certainty of an accountability before God, stating God’s wrath, “…is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness…” (v.18). Paul was presenting the certainty of absolute truth and its enduring quality for every generation. To support this premise, Paul then revealed the reality of God’s existence, using creation as proof:

“…since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (v.20)

Paul then asserted that relativists do not begin that way. As a child, faith is an easy concept to grasp, and discipline is accepted as a constant; also, children learn to trust caregivers, learning to believe the caregiver(s) know(s) what is best because of past experience (proofs of caring). Paul, then explained how childlike faith is abandoned for futile thinking in adulthood:

“…although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.” (vv. 21 – 23)

Idolatry was prevalent in the Roman civilization – the more ‘gods’ that could be created, the greater the acceptance of the emperor being a living god, leading to further compromise of reality and rational thinking. The dynamic hasn’t changed… secular humanists still propagate the lie of relativism based on the needs or desires of the individual. This one presupposition is the platform for many who fall into the trap of self-distrust, leading to questions of gender identity and sexual preference… both of which, at their core, are sensual gratification – the self-soothing behavior adapted in infancy (sucking a thumb, holding a stuffed animal or blanket, etc.).

Men who suppress the truth seek to propagate a system where others can be manipulated for their selfish purposes and continue the cycle of dysfunction and social destruction. We will discuss this destructive pattern tomorrow. For now, we are to be the people of the truth, expressing the truth of God through love that connects hearts to the heart of God. How is your life connecting others to The Way, The Truth, and The Life?

Have a blessed day…


“…eager to preach the gospel…” Romans 1:15

After being prevented several times from visiting his Christian friends in Rome, Paul was eager to preach the gospel to them, hoping for another harvest of souls who would be ignited in faith from hearing about faith in Christ. He felt obligated to both Greek speaking people, as well as those in countries with other languages (typifying the countries of Europe and their many evolving languages with roots in Greek and Latin: French, Spanish, Italian, Slavic, German, etc., vv. 13 - 15). Paul’s missional mindset impacted the history of Christianity profoundly, taking at least three journeys which are recorded in biblical literature. Most bibles have a map detailing each trip.

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-22) was taken to heart by every disciple (except Judas, who hung himself after Jesus’ arrest). Paul’s calling revealed his zeal and boldness to spread the gospel throughout the known world. It was not a vain thing for Paul to proclaim that he was not ashamed of the gospel; he was not exalting himself, only declaring his resolve in allowing its power to save all whose hearts are quickened by the message (v.16). This statement was a risk for Paul to make, considering the way Christians were executed throughout the Roman empire during the first century.

Paul explained to the Romans that the dynamic of the gospel (the good news of salvation through Christ, making one acceptable before God by a new covenant) is evidenced through the faith one places in Christ to save. He refers the Roman faith community to Habakkuk when quoting, “The righteous will live by faith.” This reference was given in support of Paul’s statement noting God first generated faith through the Jews and then to the Gentiles (non-Jews) through the dynamic of faith in Christ (vv. 16 - 17). God’s method has not changed, God ignites faith in the hearts of those who receive the gospel message and embrace its truth, securing the hope of eternity and its joy in the presence of The Prince of Peace.

The Great Commission was not intended to end with the disciples. Christians of each generation are to take-up the mantle of responsibility for carrying the message of the gospel to all people. Do we reflect Paul’s eagerness to preach the gospel? If not, why? Allow your faith to be activated by God’s Word, empowering you to share this message of abundant life in Christ. You may offer the only words of life some may ever hear!

Have a blessed day and a great weekend!


“I long to see you…” Romans 1:11a

Sounds like a love letter, doesn’t it? For Paul, there was no withholding his affection for this beloved group of Christ-followers. Making His first love apparent in the opening lines of his letter, Paul’s second love is for this group of contagious Christians. He extended grace and peace to them – a common greeting between Christians of the first century (v.7b). He thanked God for their rapidly expanding influence in their terribly secular culture (much like post-modernity of today; v.8). Paul was earnest in his desire for a reunion, praying for the opportunity often (v.10).

Today’s five understandable words reinforces the desire of his heart to enjoy the community of these Believers who had not only embraced faith in Christ, but had also understood the mission of The Great Commission: connecting hearts to the heart of God. Not wanting to appear selfish in his statement, Paul also kept the main thing as THE MAIN THING – strengthening their faith by pointing these dear Christians to Christ and His teachings (v.11b).

Paul’s transparency is so refreshing. He admits that he, too, would be encouraged by time invested with them (v.12). That’s the benefit of a faith community: being built up together. In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul explained this benefit:

“…you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19-22)

Those who are outcasts, out of the circle, and marginalized by society are welcome to experience the family of God. It’s more than a religious exercise, He’s the purpose of the gathering and is among those gathered, residing in each one’s heart who has confessed Him as Lord and accepted Him as Savior after repenting of their sins. Being a part of this faith community, one is built up – not torn down… at least, that’s the way it should be…

Unfortunately, I’ve seen others who have been abused by dysfunctional churches – confederates of faith who function on control and manipulation in the lives of others, including their pastor. I’ve personally experienced such pretenders of the faith… and have been the target of their abuses.

We should work to make the fellowship of faith a healthy community for building up the Body of Christ, known by our love for one another. Yes, we are called to encourage one another in the faith, in righteousness, and in truth. We are to be people of the The Word who welcome the outcasts of society and work to help in their spiritual maturing to be more like Jesus. Indeed, we are to see Christ in each other! When we do, we grow in love for each other… and we will joyfully anticipate each weekly gathering. We, too, will be able to say with Paul:

I long to see you.

Have a blessed evening…

“…your faith is being reported…” Romans 1:8b

When I was in the fourth grade, a fellow student told on me. She let the teacher and everyone in the classroom know that I had disobeyed the teacher, going against her explicit instructions concerning a Father’s Day project. Have you ever been reported? The Christians in Rome were being reported all over the known world (the Holy Land and Europe) for another reason – their strong radical faith in Jesus Christ. This gave Paul good reason to thank God for these new Christians whose reputations as fully devoted follower of Christ was spreading (v.8).

Paul professed to serve God with his whole heart through preaching the gospel (which is ALWAYS about JESUS!), the same way the Roman Christians were exposed to the truth of Christ, and His transforming power. He spoke of his earnest prayers for them, which were offered at all times (v.9). Paul obviously loved these people, and couldn’t wait to see them, praying God would open an opportunity for him to visit them (v.10).

Is your faith so strong that it is being held up as an example before the world? If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? There are plenty of people who attend church, but then there are also plenty of people that go to McDonald’s. Going to church doesn’t make one a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s makes one a hamburger. There are plenty of people that have a Bible, but then, there are also plenty of people that own an owner’s manual for their vehicle. If neither of them are ever read, there is no benefit to the owners.

I pray that your faith will grow. It’s like a muscle, the more it is exercised, the stronger it becomes. If you are lacking in faith, ask God, and He will generously supply what is lacking, for He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

I hope to hear that your faith is being reported all over the place!

Have a blessed evening!


“Grace and peace to you…” Romans 1:7b NIV

Acknowledging all who “…are called to belong to Jesus Christ” (v.6), Paul gave the simple five word greeting as an ambassador for God, The Father, and The Lord, Jesus Christ. The primary character traits of extending grace and seeking peace with others are to be present in the life of a pastor, as well as in the lives of the saints who are partners in ministry with the pastor. Paul reminded the church of their calling: to be saints – set apart for the holy, high calling of Jesus Christ to do His good works (v.7a; Ephesians 2:10).

Grace and peace are both the signature of belonging to God’s family and the tools by which all saints extend the gospel. Grace is bestowing to others what they may not deserve or worked for. The saint is to overcome any barrier necessary to carry God’s salvation and redemption to the dying race of man. Employing the power of grace to others recognizes their worth in the eyes of God and thereby opens opportunities for God to speak through the one extending God’s Word.

While peace is the byproduct of salvation, it is also the means through which the power of the gospel is evidenced. When strife between persons, cultures, races, and nations is bridged by efforts toward peace, the love of God is then extended to those unloving hearts that are quickened by its supernatural transforming power. Churches are to practice peace-making within and without their faith community, otherwise how is Jesus to be known as The Prince of Peace?

The fruit of God’s Spirit is love evidenced by joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). As the saints regularly engage in worship, they enter the presence of God and into fulness of joy! The more one enters into His presence, the more one is exposed to the joy of the Lord; and the more of God’s joy one experiences, the more one works toward peace with his/her fellow man, exhibiting patience, kindness, and goodness to others. The dynamic of joy then extends to the faith-walker being trustworthy (faithfulness) and gentle toward one’s family and friends. Every one of these traits requires the self-discipline to be intentional in one’s outward expressions of the inward faith experience.

I say all this to encourage you to continue to gather with the saints in worship. If your church does not lead you into God’s presence, go where you can enter into the holy of holies in worship, while God opens your heart to love His saints… providing you opportunities to know His peace. It really does often go beyond one’s understanding (Philippians 4:7). I thank God for His grace, and the peace He brought to my soul!

Have a blessed day…


“…a servant of Christ Jesus…” Romans 1:1

In his salutation of his letter to the church in Rome, Paul begins by providing a litmus test for those called to the gospel ministry. There is a ‘hidden’ list given by Paul, which ministers should carefully examine before committing their lives to this ministry. Open your Bible and follow along with me; see how Paul quickly moves from an “I” perspective to “we”, and then to “you”:

  1. The attitude for ministry should be one of humility. Ministers are servants of Jesus Christ who are to be sensitive to the needs of others over their own needs (v.1a).

  2. The personal cost of one in ministry is to go where the gospel needs to be heard. The word, “apostle”, actually means, “one who is sent out”. One must be willing to leave their hometown and extended family to carry the good news where God may lead. There is a certain authority that goes with the role: one who can communicate the good news of salvation through Christ with certainty and truth… one who has actually experienced regeneration. It is not an authority to control others’ lives or to abuse others by Lording over them (vv. 1b, 5).

  3. The one sent out is commissioned for the purpose of carrying the gospel message; the same gospel prophesied in centuries past (v.1c-2; I shared with you many of the prophesies of this good news in our recent study of Hebrews). The word gospel means, “good news”, so the assigned task can be a joyful one when it is received by others. A pastor, then, should be an authority on the scriptures and how they reflect the Living Word that became flesh, revealing them in a way that will connect to those listening.

  4. The good news specifically focuses on Jesus (vv. 3-5), Who:

a.   Was completely man while being completely God;

b.   Descended from David;

c.   Was declared to be God’s Son;

d.   Defeated death through His resurrection;

e.   Calls apostles to carry His message of salvation by faith.

This brief list should describe your pastor’s main responsibilities and passion. If the list does not describe your pastor, the church should rethink their mission and responsibility to fulfill The Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20). Over the next several months, I hope this study on Romans will both provoke you to live Godly lives and dig deeper in God’s Word.

Have a blessed day…

“…may He work in us…” Hebrews 13:21

As we conclude our look into the letter to first century Jewish Christians, we will find an array of powerful five-word phrases:

  • “Keep on loving each other…” (Hebrews 13:1) This was not a casual nudge to treat others with respect. It was a command with a qualifier: to love one’s fellow Believer as a family member. This was the new commandment given by Jesus in the Upper Room at The Last Supper (John 13:34-35). Many American Christians have no clue how to love their fellow Believer, yet this one commandment is what is supposed to set us apart before the world as true disciples of Jesus. The church must invest more time and effort in teaching this vital precept to modern day Christians.

  • “…some people have entertained angels” (v.2); words which followed the second command in this chapter, “Do not forget to entertain strangers…”. We may not comprehend the intent of this command because of the word, “entertain”; for it does not convey our use of the word today. The writers are directing followers of Christ to be sensitive to those who may need help, following the example Jesus taught about the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The writers included prisoners and others being mistreated by society in this command, urging Believers to empathize with others who are hurting or in desperate circumstances (v.3).

  • “…the marriage bed kept pure…” (v.4); another command directing Believers to let their marriages be a model to the community so that marriage is “honored by all”. A warning is given with this command: that God would judge the adulterer and all who are sexually immoral. Nothing sets tongues wagging like the gossip of hanky-panky, and each time we give others something to talk about, we are hurting the message of Christ’s transforming power. If your marriage has experienced unfaithfulness, seek God’s forgiveness through confession, or be willing to restore the unfaithful partner through forgiveness and restoration.

  • “…The Lord is my helper…” (v.6). These words are paired with the next command directing Believers to reject the inclination to be driven by love for monetary gain while remaining content with what one has accumulated by God’s grace (v.5). This command comes with reminders of God’s promises:

o   “Never will I leave you…” (Joshua 1:5a)

o   “…never will I forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5b)

o   “The Lord is my helper…” (Psalm 118:6-7)

  • “Consider… their way of life…” (v.7) Yet another command is given to, “remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you”. Believers are instructed to care for those who provide spiritual oversight of their souls (that’s the semantic of the word translated, “remember”), and to observe the lifestyle of their pastor(s) which can serve as a model for them to imitate.

The writers provided further guidance on this in verse seventeen, instructing Believers to OBEY their leaders and SUBMIT to their authority (v.17a; caps are mine). There is a real lack of these two traits in the church today, even though an explanation is given by the writers for doing so:

  • pastors keep watch over you as men who must be ready to give an account for their ministry before God (v.17b).

  • the work of a pastor is more joyful when the church obeys The Word from which they preach (v.17c)

A Barna survey of American pastor revealed some sad statistics:

o   97% of pastors have been betrayed, falsely accused or hurt by their own church members;

o   70% of pastors battle depression;

o   1500 pastors leave the ministry each month, many driven away by their church (if your church has a history of abusing pastors, call the church to prayer, asking for God’s forgiveness; then seek to restore broken relationships and pastors who have been hurt by this corrupt corporate behavior;

o   Only 10% of full-time pastors get to retire as such;

o   80% of pastors feel discouraged;

o   94% of pastor’s families feel the pressure of ministry;

o   90% of pastors report working 55 – 75 hours per week.


  • Do not be carried away…” (v.9). This instruction leads into a review of the new covenant through Jesus Christ. Ceremonial foods, sacrifices, and salvation through any ceremonial works have no merit before God. Christians are not to fall prey to a justification through works system. Just as the bodies of sacrificed animals were burned outside the camp (during the Exodus; Exodus 29:14; Leviticus 4:12, 21, 9:11, 16:27), so Jesus suffered upon the cross outside Jerusalem’s gates. The writers encourage traditional Jews to leave their traditions… to leave the ‘camp’, explaining this way:

“Let us, then, go to Him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace He bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess His name.” (vv. 13 – 15)

Yes, the sacrifices we now offer are from our hearts, passing through our lips in confession of His Lordship and in thanksgiving for His marvelous gift of salvation! His Lordship has not changed, for He is the same yesterday, today and forever (v.8)!

“May the God of peace, Who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen” (vv. 20 – 21)

“Grace be with you all.” (v.25)


“…throw off everything that hinders…” Hebrews 12:1

Depicting those recognized for their radical faith as a “crowd of witnesses”, the writers of Hebrews call for action from those first century Believers. As the letter is drawing to a close, the following action plan is provided for Christians to live victorious lives:

  1. Get rid of anything that hinders intimacy with Christ (v.1b). This could mean distractions (Example: cable TV, unedifying material – be it hard copy or over the internet, friendships which pull one down, and even activities unrelated to The Great Commission.

  2. Resolve to defeat the temptation to any and all sin – rebellious acts against God (v.1b). Those who have been mired in sin are usually entangled in one particular cycle or pattern which entangles one in a web of defeat, obsessiveness, and compulsion. Prayer, God’s Word, and help from other Believers empowers one to escape this pit of self-destruction.

  3. Live for Christ as if running to win a race. Life is short… as short as a dash between one’s birth and death. There is a great contest happening which we cannot see – the contest for souls. The race is clearly marked: believers are to “GO” and make disciples, who make more disciples (v.1c).

  4. Stay fixed on the ‘Finish Line’ of faith: Jesus Christ welcoming His own into Heaven (v.2). He is the source and refiner of our faith. He endured the suffering of the cross, demonstrating to His followers that staying true to faith through suffering is possible (v.3).

  5. Remember whose you are – see yourself as a true heir of righteousness with a renewed mind, accepting God’s rebukes and discipline (vv. 4 – 11).

  6. Reckon yourself healed from the disease of the sin that crippled you, and rise to walk in newness of life (vv. 12 – 13).

  7. Seek peace with everyone (vv. 14a; 15).

  8. Live holy lives – let your piety be seen in your good decisions (vv. 14b; 16-17).

The writers then offered a final explanation of the new covenant:

“You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness, gloom and storm; to a trumpet blast or to such a voice speaking words that those who heard it begged that no further word be spoken to them, because they could not bear what was commanded: ‘If even an animal touches the mountain, it must be stoned.’ The sight was so terrifying that Moses said, ‘I am trembling with fear.’ (vv. 18 – 21; Exodus 19:12-22, 20:18)

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. (vv. 22 – 24; Isaiah 24:23, 60:14; Revelation 14:1)

See to it that you do not refuse Him Who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused Him Who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from Him Who warns us from heaven? At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’ The words once more indicate the removing of what can be shaken – that is, created things – so that what cannot be shaken may remain. (vv. 25 – 27; Haggai 2:6)

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. (vv. 28 – 29; Exodus 24:17; Deuteronomy 4:24, 9:3; Psalm 97:3; Isaiah 33:14)

Throw off everything that hinders… don’t be burdened by the world’s expectations, and prioritize the preparation of your soul for eternity. Be a part of an eternal enterprise – the redemption of souls. Live with the wonderful expectation of a great inheritance! Keep your eyes on the prize.

Have a blessed day…

“…all commended for their faith…” Hebrews 11:39

To Bible students, Hebrews 11 is known as the “Hall of Faith”. More than seventeen examples of people who demonstrated faith were cited by the writers that reached back into antiquity, listing them chronologically:

  • Abel offered a sacrifice better than his brothers (vv.4; Genesis 4:4);

  • Enoch’s faith pleased God, and was taken from this life without experiencing death (vv. 5 – 6; Genesis 5:21-24);

  • Noah built the ark without having ever experienced rain (vv.7; Genesis 6:13 - 22);

  • Abraham journeyed to a place he had never been, was enabled to become a father in old age, and offered his only son as a sacrifice  (vv. 8 – 12; Genesis 12:1-12, 17:17-19, 18:1-14, 21:2, 22:17);

  • Isaac, agreeing with his father, offered himself as an offering and blessed his sons in regard to their future (vv. 17 – 20; Genesis 22:1-10, 27:27-40);

  • Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph (vv.21; Genesis 48:1, 8-22);

  • Joseph prophesied about the Great Exodus, giving instructions about his remains to be carried back to the promised land (v.22: Genesis 50:24-25; Exodus 13:19);

  • Moses chose mistreatment over being known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, kept the Passover, and led Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea (vv. 24 – 28; Exodus 2:10-11, 12:21-51, 14:21-31);

  • The Hebrew nation journeyed through the Red Sea and marched around Jericho for seven days, believing its walls would fall (vv. 28 – 30; Joshua 6:12-20);

  • Rahab, the prostitute, welcomed the Hebrew spies and survived the Israeli invasion which drove out the evil nations that practiced child sacrifice and idolatry (vv. 31; Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 12-16; Genesis 9:22-27, 10:15-20; Jeremiah 32:25);

  • Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets, Daniel, the sisters of Lazarus, the apostles of the first century church, John the Baptist, and first-generation Christians are all recognized (vv. 32 – 38; Judges 6-8; 4-5; 13-16; 11-12; 1 Samuel 16:1,13, 1:20).

Yes, they were all commended for their faith. So… what is faith? The writers provided a definition, breathed into their hearts by God’s Spirit, our heavenly teacher of truth:

“…faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (v.1)

Though he had not seen his destination, Abraham traveled to a place that became his home, being a stranger in a foreign land. He and his heirs lived in tents while anticipating their eternal reward in the city whose architect and builder is God (vv.8-10). Faith is like a muscle – the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes. The primary dynamic of faith is that, like film, it’s developed in the dark. We can all be certain of what we see (unless your watching someone who has perfected tricks by slight-of-hand). Being certain of what we do not see requires faith to act upon it. It is impossible to please God except through faith (v.6).

I married my wife, trusting God for bringing her into my life and the future we would build together through faith in God to make all things work together for our good. God has taken us through tough times, some by our own doing (mostly mine). God continues to provide, protect, and be present in our lives… leading us in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23:3). The more we exercise faith in Him, the stronger He pours faith into our hearts and minds.

Do you desire to please God? Exercise your faith. Faith is radical, extreme, and daring. This may not be one’s normal approach to life, as many of us are ‘wired’ to be cautious and unbelieving. Invest in God’s Word, asking Him to build your faith. Seek God for direction in how you can serve Him, then trust Him for the outcome… that’s faith in action!

Have a blessed day

“…He Who promised is faithful…” Hebrews 10:23

The letter to first century Hebrew Christians continues in Chapter Ten describing The Law (Mosaic Law: the decalogue and Levitical law) as a “shadow of the good things that are coming” (v.1a). The ceremonial practices repeated “endlessly” through the years would never make perfect those who drew near to worship (1b), for if those practices had worked to make one perfect, the sacrifices, which continued in that day, would have stopped (v.2).

The writers quoted from King David’s prophetic writing (Psalm 40:6-8), explaining how the first covenant had to be set aside to establish the new covenant made possible through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (vv. 3 – 10). A concise, yet clear, explanation was offered which re-articulated the point given above, offering further support from the sacred texts (Jeremiah 31:33-34; vv. 11 – 18). Inserted within this section of the letter is a description of a dynamic occurring in the life of every believer: transformation… from worldly to holy… though imperfect, Believers have been made perfect through faith in Christ. We are seen as perfect by God while being made holy in the likeness of His Son (v.14).

The reader is then presented some of the most encouraging words in the entire New Testament:

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He Who promised is faithful.” (vv. 19 – 23).

Those words were radical for that day. The Believer could now draw near to God personally, without interference or delay because of a living, risen Savior! The same is true to this day: we are assured, promised, guaranteed acceptance before God because of the access Jesus provides. We need only draw near to God in sincerity of faith. We are made white as snow, washed with the pure water of faith, cleansed from any guilt. We don’t have to beat-up on ourselves any longer… HE accepts us!

In the remaining lines of the chapter, Christians are directed to:

  • Be creative in how others can be encouraged in lives of love and charity (v.24);

  • Continue the practice of corporate worship, even in the face of persecution and adversity (vv. 25);

  • Resolve to live lives which reject opportunities to sin (vv. 26 – 31);

  • Remember their zeal of their first days as a Believer, when

§  Standing one’s ground in the face of suffering,

§  Publicly exposed to insult and ridicule,

§  Sympathizing with those imprisoned for their faith,

§  Enduring the confiscation of one’s property for remaining faithful (vv. 32 - 34).

The writers concluding remarks offer further encouragement to persecuted Christians, directing them to not throw away one’s confidence or faith in Christ, citing the eternal benefit and reward for remaining steadfast in the faith. They were encouraging those first century Christians to persevere, even unto death, knowing God will greatly reward those who are true (vv. 35 – 39).

Do you see a time coming in our day when Christians could face threats similar to that of Christians in the first century? Don’t be deceived. The possibility is quite real, and the threat of such is occurring at an increasing rate with each passing day.

This letter is just as relevant in our day as it was two thousand years ago. I share this blog… these five understandable words… to encourage your faith and your piety – your faith practice. Pray, asking God for power to overcome sin. Be sincere in your prayers to God. Keep worshiping with fellow Believers, and encourage them with God’s Word.

Keep the faith, because HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL!


“…Christ came as high priest…” Hebrews 9:11

The writers of Hebrews provided the following additional points to support the reality of a new order:

  • The first covenant had regulations requiring the size, shape, materials and use of the ministry areas (Hebrews 9:1-5);

  • The first covenant had regulations requiring the duties and work of priests, and that only the high priest could enter the holy of holies, and he could only enter once a year, and never without a blood sacrifice for himself and the people (vv. 6 – 7);

  • The Holy Spirit (Teacher-Comforter-Friend) was using the restrictions of the old covenant to show that The Way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been revealed (Jesus proclaimed Himself to be The Way, The Truth, and The Life, John 14:6; v.8);

  • The old covenant was a matter of ceremonial actions pointing to a final sacrifice fulfilling the requirements of the law, thus establishing a new order (vv. 9 – 10).

Jesus established the new order through the sacrifice of His own blood, not by the blood of goats and calves, entering the greater and more perfect Holy of Holies – one not made by man – which is the original Most Holy Place of Heaven, where The Mercy Seat of God is found (vv. 11 – 12, 24). Yes, Jesus Christ came as High Priest and the mediator of a new covenant (vv. 11 & 15). It is His blood that is able to cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we are able to serve our living God (vv. 13 – 14). His death emancipated the sinner from the bondage of sin while also bestowing the endowment of eternal life (v.15)!

The rules of the first covenant were necessary to reflect the requirements of The Law, and were copies of the eternal Tabernacle in Heaven. The old covenant required everything to be cleansed with blood, for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (vv. 16 – 23a). While every man is destined to die once, Jesus’ death provided the final sacrifice to do away with sin and for sinners to be reconciled to God (vv. 24 – 28a).

The chapter concludes with the expectation of Christ’s return “…to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him” (v.28b), a day when the dead in Christ will rise to join Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17). It will the day Jesus returns, not as a sacrifice but as a risen Savior and King! We are to continue to look to that day.

Have a blessed day!

“…the sanctuary, the true tabernacle…” Hebrews 8:2

It’s not that the old tabernacle was false. The old tabernacle was merely a replica of the eternal true sanctuary made by God – man’s hands were not a part of the construction of Heaven’s Tabernacle. Who is the High Priest of this sanctuary? Who is the one entering The Holy of Holies and intercedes for those who have been born anew with life from above? It is The One and Only, Jesus Christ. He alone is the one who not only exhibited service to His disciples by washing their dirty feet, He also continues to serve through His service of intercession (Hebrews 8:1-2, 5).

The writers of Hebrews (Hebrews 1:1; 2:3; 5:11; 7:15; 8:1) pointed out that every high priest is poised to offer both gifts and sacrifices – for worship and atonement for sin. Jesus is The Gift of Heaven Who became the final sacrifice through His perfect, sinless life – far superior to any sacrifice a human priest could offer. And the ministry Jesus has been assigned is also superior to that of any man in ministry: He is The Mediator of a new covenant founded on better promises (vv. 3-6).

What makes God’s promises in the new covenant better?

1.   He extends them to the entire world (Read Genesis 12:3, 18:8, 22:18, 26:4, 28:14; Exodus 9:16; Joshua 4:24; 1Kings 8:60; 1 Chronicles 16:23-24; 2 Chronicles 6:33; Psalm 22:27, 33:8, 47:1, 64:9, 67:2-3, 72:17, 82:8; 86:9, 96:3, 117:1, 148:7,11; Isaiah 2:2, 34:1, 40:5, 43:6, 45:22, 49:6, 52:10, 56:7, 61:11, 66:18-23; Jeremiah 3:17; Daniel 7:14; Zephaniah 2:11, 3:9; Matthew 24:14, 28:19; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; John 3:16, 17:23; Acts 1:8, 2:17, 13:47; Romans 1:5, 14:11, 16:26; Philippians 2:10-11; 1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 2:2; Revelation 5:9, 7:9, 14:6, and 15:4).

2.   He made a provision for a new covenant because the old covenant was made ineffective by those who abandoned it and worshipped idols. The law will be written in the minds and hearts of those who draw near to God in faith; HE will be their God, and they will be His people (vv. 7-11).

3.   Those of the new covenant will be purged from wickedness and the damage it does spiritually and emotionally (v.12).

4.   Finally, the promises of the new covenant point to our forever home, prepared for us by our Lord and Savior Who paid the penalty for our sins and Who serves as our intercessor to God, the Father, in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle (v.2).

If you’ve been riding the fence on sharing your faith, I hope the scriptural support after point one, above, will finally convince you that God’s plan involves people – real people who will carry the gift of salvation to their family, friends, and throughout their circle of influence. Invite your family member or neighbor to celebrate Easter with you this Sunday.

He is Risen!


“…Jesus has become the guarantee…” Hebrews 7:22

Hebrews is unique from all other New Testament literature. It is actually a letter to first century Hebrew Christians with the primary aim to encourage their faith in Jesus Christ while under the duress of persecution. Another aim of the letter may be to provide an argument for Jews to consider Jesus as the promised Messiah, evidenced by mentions of Abraham, Melchizedek, the high priest, referrals to the covenant and the Holy of Holies, prophetic mentions of a new covenant, and sacrifice for sins.

Student’s of The Bible are introduced to Melchizedek in the Genesis story of Abram. There had been a large battle over the land encompassing the Valley of Siddim, where five tribal leaders joined forces against four tribal leaders. The underdogs won the battle, and after the battle took Lot, Abram’s nephew (Genesis 12:5), as a prisoner, along with Lot’s family, slaves, and possessions (Genesis 14:5-12). One of the those captured escaped and ran to Abram’s camp to inform him of his nephew’s situation. Abram quickly assembled 318 male relatives trained for battle to rescue Lot. They were victorious (Genesis 14: 13-16).

After celebrating their victory with the other tribal leaders allied to Abram, Melchizedek, the king of Salem (who was also recognized as the priest of God Most High), brought out bread and wine which he shared with Abram. Melchizedek then blessed Abram with these words:

“Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, Who delivered your enemies into your hands.” (Genesis 14:18-20)

In response to this blessing, Abram gave one-tenth of his entire wealth to Melchizedek. After this episode, the King-Priest is not mentioned again in the historical narrative. David refers to him in the 110th Psalm (v.4), when The Spirit breathed this prophetic psalm into his heart and mind. The writer of Hebrews first mentioned the name of Melchizedek in chapter five (v.6) when referring to Psalm 110. Then Jesus is described as acting in the ‘order’ of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20). Without a lengthy explanation, many theologians consider Melchizedek as an appearance of the pre-incarnate Christ.

In chapter seven, the writer of Hebrews delves into a description of Melchizedek, pointing to him as the pre-incarnate Christ:

  • His name can be translated “king of righteousness” (v.2b)

  • King of Salem can be translated “king of peace” (v.2c);

  • Abraham (the writer recognized Abram by the new name God gave him after establishing His covenant with him) gave a tithe of all he owned to this Priest of God Most High (vv. 2a; 4-6);

  • There is no record of Melchizedek’s genetic lineage (vv. 3a & 6a);

  • There is no record of Melchizedek’s life span (v.3b);

  • Melchizedek is thus recognized as Jesus, Who remains our eternal priest (v.3c);

  • In blessing, the greater person imparts to the lesser (the supernatural, infinite God blessed Abraham, a natural, finite man, who received it by faith, v.7);

  • The writer then recognized the priestly role of Levi to collect tithes, and showed how the priest (while in the seed of Abram) paid the tithe – pointing to Jesus Who paid the final sacrifice (v.10).

The writer summarizes the argument of Christ being our high priest (vv. 11 – 14), concluding the argument with these words:

“And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears, one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. For it is declared, ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” (vv. 15-17)

The reader is introduced to the reality of a new covenant offering a new and better hope by setting aside the former things, found to be weak and useless (my note: due to man’s sin which manipulated and distorted the law), and verified by God Himself through the oath prophetically recorded by King David (Psalm 110:4).

Jesus, then, has become the guarantee of a new and better covenant, fulfilling God’s oath to mankind (vv. 20-22):

“…because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.”          (vv. 24 – 25)

Jesus, our High Priest, meets our need by the demands set forth in the first covenant (vv. 26 – 28):

  • He is holy – blameless – and completely pure, knowing no sin;

  • He is worshiped in heaven;

  • He became the FINAL sacrifice, and does not need to offer any other sacrifices, for He alone met the laws demand to atone for man’s sin.

This Easter Sunday, worship Jesus, The Christ, Whom all heaven exalts as Savior and King, with a new understanding of His greatest work – greater than creation, greater than all His miracles… the glorious work of redemption accomplished upon the cross of Calvary!

Have a blessed day…


“…take hold of the hope…” Hebrews 6:18

In this section of Hebrews, the writer brings the reader to conclusively decide to grow up spiritually, offering these steps:

  1. Hunger for the deeper things of scripture, especially of Christ’s teachings (v.1a);

  2. Resolve to walk in the way of righteousness, abandoning those actions leading to death (eternal death from sinful living; v.1b);

  3. Allow God’s Word to be the authority on biblical doctrine: baptism, ordination, the resurrection, and the two sides of eternal judgment (v.2); and

  4. Developing a world view dependent upon God’s perspective, not your own (v.3).

Without maturing in the faith, one will fall away – abandoning the precepts of faith in Christ and trusting in His power to transform hearts. They return to their previous pattern of sin, crucifying Christ all over again by their rebellion. For this reason, one who has completely rejected Christ’s teaching and shows no real spiritual fruit cannot be brought back to repentance (vv. 4-8). Their hearts are completely closed to the transforming power of Christ.

The writer encouraged the Jewish Christians by imparting written confidence in their future faith practice - evidenced by their past performance. They are advised to imitate those who demonstrate faith and patience (vv. 9 – 12). Abraham is given as an example to follow because he demonstrated both faith and patience before receiving his son, Isaac (vv. 13-15).

The chapter concludes with descriptions of two unchanging things:

  1. The nature of His purpose: to offer mankind an eternal hope; and

  2. The oath or promise to redeem mankind, fulfilling His purpose.

Even we today can be greatly encouraged to take hold of that hope through faith in Jesus Christ. He is an anchor to our souls that holds secure. He is The High Priest Who has entered behind eternity’s curtain where He intercedes for the souls of man (vv. 16 – 20).

If you are beginning to doubt God’s purpose for your life, take hold of the hope for eternity – Jesus Christ. Hold on to Him as if you were holding on to a life preserver in the middle of a vast ocean. Don’t allow the imps of doubt lead you out your promised rest.

Keep the faith!

“...the source of eternal salvation…” Hebrews 5:9

While exhorting first century Jewish Christians to hold firmly to the faith (4:14), the writer also presented a theological argument supporting Christ as both the promised Messiah - making Him The Eternal High Priest (vv. 1-10). Evidence provided to support the assertion were:

  1. He became human to be able to sympathize with us (vv. 2,7,&8);

  2. He was ordained by The Heavenly Father (vv. 5,6,&10);

  3. He became the final sacrifice (vv. 8&9).

By His resurrection, Jesus claimed the crown as eternity’s King, our eternal High Priest, and the perpetual Prophet of Love and Joy.

The writer of Hebrews then chastised those who had fallen away from threat of death. They were reprimanded for their lack of familiarity with scriptural truths, leading to compromised living, being unable “to distinguish good from evil” (vv. 11-14).

If there is a weakness in the church today, it is biblical illiteracy. One is unable to apply the strength of God’s Word toward principles for living when it is absent from a daily practice of reading and praying for its activation in one’s heart and mind.

May God’s Word equip you for every good work He brings your way!

Have a blessed day!

“...hold firmly to the faith…” Hebrews 4:14

The early first century church came under harsh persecution. Historians have noted the roads entering the district of Rome being lit by burning crosses, with the remains of martyred Christians hanging upon them. Rome was strongly opposed to the movement sweeping across the empire - a movement which recognized an eternal king. Many people who had first embraced the grace of Christ began to fall away for fear of death by various styles of executions. One of the main purposes within Hebrews was to encourage Believers to remain steadfast in their faith.

Three times, the writer of Hebrews admonished first century Jewish Christians: “...do not harden your hearts…” (3:8 & 15; also 4:7). The motivation for Believers, even to this day, was the promise of entering eternal rest - the joy of acceptance into Heaven, a rest reflective of God’s rest after the creation (vv. 3-10). So the writer emphasized that no Believer should be found to have fallen short by placing more value on this life than on one’s eternal life (vv. 1 & 11).

All Christians of the early church received the message of salvation in the same manner: they had to be told of salvation through Jesus Christ. That method has not changed… one’s mind must be engaged to process what is heard or read to engage the spirit when inviting into one’s heart. What words engage the mind and soul in such a way? The Word of God, which is living, active, sharper than any double-edged sword, and which penetrates into one’s soul, judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (vv. 2 & 12). The reader is directed to accept that nothing is hidden from God’s sight; there can be no duplicity with God, as He sees right through it and will call every soul into account (v.13).

The fourth chapter concludes with a declaration of Jesus being The Eternal High Priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, having been tempted in every way as ourselves, and Who grants mercy and grace to help in a time of need. Within these parting comments are found today’s five understandable words: “...hold firmly to the faith…” (v.14; vv. 14-16).

Christianity will never win a popularity contest with the world. Christians are being martyred in higher numbers today than at any time in history. We are emboldened to hold firmly to the faith through the mercy and grace God provides to those who believe. Hold on… this life is a roller coaster of sorts. Trust God for strength and courage to persevere in the faith.

Have a blessed day…

“…fix your thoughts on Jesus…” Hebrews 3:1

The reader is reminded of each Believer’s call to holiness… to be separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:17). We are not to think or act as those whose minds are preoccupied by lusts of the flesh. Instead, we are to keep Jesus in the forefront of our thoughts. It is Jesus Who is The Apostle and High Priest Whom we confess as Savior and Lord. The Greek word used for apostle is APOSTOLON (Ἀπόστολον), which translated means messenger or envoy. It is Jesus, Heaven’s King, Who became Heaven’s envoy to earth with the good news of God’s love (v.1). Because we have received that good news and believed, we have welcomed the message and thereby recognize The Messenger as our High Priest.

The writer then compares the faithfulness of Moses and Jesus, declaring Jesus worthy of receiving greater honor than Moses. This was a bold declaration, as Moses was considered a pillar of Jewish history. The writer supported his argument by recognizing Jesus as The Builder (Creator) of everything (vv. 2-4). While Moses was faithful to lead Israel to The Promised Land, Jesus is The One Who faithfully built the church upon the bedrock of faith (vv. 5-6; read Mt. 16:18).

Then the writer presented believing Jews with a most convincing argument to persevere in believing that Jesus is truly the Christ, offering another warning to not fall away:

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried Me and for forty years saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astsray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared an oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’” (vv. 7-11; Ps. 95:8-11).

The reader is cautioned that any unbelief will be counted as sin, just as in the lives of their forefathers who would not believe Moses (vv. 12, 15-19). The new Believers – Jewish Christians – were instructed to encourage one another so that, “…none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” (v.13).

Any of us can be deceived into believing a lie, as well as being convinced the truth is false… especially in this day of memes and tweets, and political action groups seeking to mislead the masses into accepting propaganda as reliable news and truthful reporting. When it comes to timeless truth, God’s Word has not changed: sin is still sin, and every one of us is a sinner, deserving of death and hell. Jesus offers each of us a hope in a home He has prepared for us in Heaven (read John 14:1-6).

Don’t give up on the promise of His return. Don’t be misled into apostacy and disbelief… keep believing… keep trusting that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. This Sunday, join with other Believers in worship, and prepare your heart by fixing your thoughts on Jesus.

Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend…