5 Understandable Words for Today

"...fix your thoughts on Jesus..."  Hebrews 3:1

In our continuing journey through Hebrews, we come upon this imperative phrase, which is part of a summary statement to "...holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling...". Please notice the standard for those who share in the heavenly calling: a walk of holiness. There is no accident in how it was written; the author understands one's walk with Christ to be a life of intentional purity. In other words, one called to Christ understands the significance of walking in holiness as we carry His name to a dark unbelieving world. Just how is this holiness accomplished? The writer provides the answer: by fixing our thoughts on Jesus... on His life, His words, and His example.

The writer goes on to explain our identification with Jesus, Whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. It is intriguing to see the author recognizing Jesus as an apostle. The Greek word used here is a form of "apostolos", which means to send forth (as an envoy). He describes how Jesus fulfilled the mission for which He was sent, and is "...the Son over God's house." He then recognizes Believers as the house of God - basically mirroring Jesus' teaching on God's Kingdom being within each of us (read Luke 17:20-21). Paul echoes this idea when describing the household of faith to the church in Ephesus (read Ephesians 2:19-22). Peter, as well, identifies Believers as living stones being built into a spiritual house (read 2 Peter 2:5).

In verses 7&8, the writer quotes from David's ninety-fifth psalm: "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts..." (Psalm 95:7-8). This quote leads to a description of the Jews rebellion during the wandering in the wilderness after the great exodus. Their hearts continually went astray (v.10), and the reader is warned to guard the heart to prevent turning away from God. For their unbelief, an entire generation were kept from entering the promised land... their promised rest... all due to their unbelief.

This why it is so important to fix our eyes on Christ, Whom the writer later describes as the author and finisher of our faith (12:2). It seems the more we think on Christ, the more we mirror His attributes.

The word, "fix" implies an intentional effort to be resolute, immovable, tightly adhering to Him and identifying with His life and mission. When we fix our thoughts on Him, we embrace His purpose to redeem others; to bring light to a world of darkness; to heal the sick; to feed the poor; to clothe those in need, and to extend God's love to the rejects of the world.

Maybe that's all part of the 'fix' that happens in our heart...

Yearning for staying power...
