“…my joy in unrelenting pain…” Job 6:10b

As a type of Christ, Job’s life points to the suffering servant Who endured the pain of the cross in anticipation of the joy of His heavenly coronation (read Hebrews 12:1-2). Job’s joy in unrelenting pain was his personal knowledge of not denying the words of The Holy One (v.10c). In fact, that knowledge was a great consolation to him (v.10a).

For Job, such joy would only be made complete in death, thus refusing any opportunity to fall to the temptation of sin. It was not to be, for the one to be crushed for the sins of all the world would be Christ and Him alone (vv. 7 – 9; John 1:29; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:2). Job’s real motivation for death was to escape the agony of his suffering and the great loss he had experienced. Jesus, however, chose to offer His life as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind (read Romans 3:22-24, 5:8&18; Ephesians 1:7, 5:2).

Today’s passage points us to the power, encouragement and sustainability for our lives through God’s Word during difficult times. Job “…had not denied the words of The Holy One.” If we follow Job’s example, we too will have the benefit of God’s Word for facing hardship, and will be able to testify it as my joy in unrelenting pain. Invest time in God’s Word… it yields great dividends.

Have a blessed day…