“…the devotion of his friends…” Job 6:14a (written for October 21, 2019)

(I forgot to post my vignette yesterday. You see we are in the middle of a move… not far, just two floors down in our apartment building. Nonetheless, even a ‘minor’ move is a major inconvenience. So, here is the vignette that I had written. I’ll have another one later today.)

Today’s five understandable words describe the very thing a despairing man should be able to depend upon in times of hardship, and even at the times he may wander from the good way (v.14). Job considered his friends to be as dependable as a dried-up stream – a great disappointment to one needing to be refreshed and restored (vv. 15 – 20).

A true friend believes in you, even when the chips are down. A true friend always protects you from the assaults of others. When I was in high school, I was no where near the size I am now. I must have weighed 120 soaking wet. My best friend was a lineman on the football team, weighing close to 200 pounds. One day a bully was trying to pick a fight with me for no particular reason, I was getting mentally ready for the altercation when out of nowhere my best friend came along, interrupting the bully’s efforts by a rather forceful challenge. My friend saved me from a good beating, I’m sure. He was there for me, to protect me.

A true friend always trusts: trusts in your abilities, trusts in your character, and trusts in your commitment to the friendship. Even though time may bring changes to one’s life, a true friend remains just that – a true friend. True friends don’t fall for the trashing of relationships so prevalent today. People need each other, especially when one may be going through a period of personal hardship. True friends are cued to the flags of stress which may be occurring in another’s life, and offer extra grace to see their friend through it.

True friends always hope for the best in the friendship. The friendship is not easily ended, discarded, or ‘outgrown’. The friendship cannot dry-up from lack of contact, and looks with joyous hope for the next reunion. A true friend also offers hope for the future and for the continuance of the friendship.

A true friend perseveres through the difficult moments of the relationship and through life. Why? Because a true friend believes in the worth of the relationship and the mutual benefit the friendship brings. True friends are not easily provoked or offended. True friends have the ‘stick-to-it-iveness’ for making the friendship a life-long experience. Those who choose to discard such an opportunity miss-out on one of the greatest blessings in life.

The apostle Paul taught the Corinthian church about love: it always protects; always trusts; always hopes; and always perseveres (read 1 Corinthians 13:7). True friendship, like marriage, is designed to last for life. Are there friendships you need to restore? Have you become too hasty to discard a dear friend, when the flags of stress and hardship were present in their life? What type of friend are you who would abandon a friend during one’s greatest time of need?

Have you experienced the ghosting of a friendship which you considered authentic and real enough to last through difficult days of stress and hardship? Please know that Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother (read Proverbs 18:24). He will never leave you or forsake you (read Deuteronomy 13:6; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). To the friends you do have, be the friend that they could never live without. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Have a blessed day…