“Your beginnings will seem humble…” Job 8:7a

After judging Job’s children in light of the nature of their deaths, Bildad seems to somewhat redeem himself with his next comment:

“But if you will look to God and plead with the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, even now He will rouse Himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place.” (vv. 5 – 6)

Any genuine Faith-walker could attest to Bildad’s statement, for God is always ready to rescue, redeem and restore anyone who approaches Him through faith, allowing The Spirit to transform the heart and mind for developing a life-walk that is pure and upright. So, we see that even though Bildad was absent of any sympathy toward Job, he did know the truth of God’s saving power. Thus, God was working through the human weakness of Bildad.

Believers, imperfect as we all are, become the conduit through which God dispenses His grace and love to others. The inspired Bildad goes even further by stating:

Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.” (v.7)

Though Bildad may have been referring to life on earth, God’s mysterious ways may have inspired Bildad’s statement to point to heaven. Nevertheless, Job’s friend once again affirms God’s pattern to bless His children.

God uses broken people to bless broken people. The pattern of God to restore lives shattered by catastrophe, tragedy, natural disaster and human depravity is magnified by those through whom God works to bring rescue. May this passage of scripture empower us to work through our own faults and failures in bringing the light of God’s love to the hopeless and needy. Your beginnings will seem humble at first, then God will increase opportunities to restore lives He knows can be reached by only you! May the prosperity we all experience be that of winning souls for Heaven’s King!

Have a blessed day…