“…I tell you the truth…” Matthew 18:19
/Jesus had just taught that God desires none to be without the hope of Heaven’s eternal joy (Mt. 18:10-14); and of how to seek reconciliation with another (Mt. 18:15-18). He then reinforced both of those precepts in verse 19 with the words:
“Again, I tell you the truth that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Mt. 18:19-20)
In those words, Jesus illustrated the power of prayer by Believing ‘born-again’ followers of Christ. He emphasized the importance of prayer before reaching out to others with the good news of salvation, as well as praying before any effort to reconcile with what one hopes is a fellow Believer. The eternal truth in this passage is found in the unseen “amen”.
The “amen” of any prayer reflects one agreeing with the practice, purpose, and person of the prayers target. In essence, when we pray alone, we agree with The Holy Spirit on a matter, and when we pray with others we are agreeing with The Holy Spirit and them. There are two prerequisites for the prayer to be effective, activating the power of God:
Agreement: Jesus had taught his disciples earlier how a kingdom divided against itself could never endure (Mt. 12:22-29);
Invoking the name of Christ: Jesus’ name will be proclaimed throughout eternity (read Re.5:12-13), and it is at the sound of His name when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (read Pp. 2:10-11).
The eternal truth of this passage is completely and unequivocally focused on the name of Jesus. In Heaven, that name will be honored and praised forevermore, just as followers of Christ give praise and glory to His name in worship while walking upon this earth. The power in prayer is found in agreeing on the power of Jesus’ name and authority to bind any hindrance to advancing God’s Kingdom by successfully employing the purposes of God, and releasing the necessary power to reconcile all things under His authority (read Co.1:20). When we agree together over these two vital components of real prayer, nothing will be impossible to accomplish for God’s Kingdom.
Find someone to pray with today, and agree together on your purpose while praying in Jesus’ mighty name.
Have a blessed day...