“…you have been set free…” Romans 6:22a

In Paul’s plea to the Roman Christians to break free from the evil influence of their culture, he:

1.     Presented the paradigm of righteousness by faith which God had established from the very beginning (1:17);

2.     Described how sin had permeated the societies of the world, and God’s judgment of all wickedness (1:18 – 2:16);

3.     Exposed God’s truth that no one is righteous on one’s own merit, and that true righteousness comes through faith alone (3:9 – 4:25);

4.     Revealed the benefits of righteousness as peace and joy (5:1-11);

5.     Articulated the dynamic all Believers experience to combat temptation (6:1-14);

6.     Depicted the consistent narrative from the sacred texts as soul ownership (6:15-23).

Paul qualified his teaching with the words, “I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the part of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.” (v.19) He showered grace upon these new Believers by communicating a second chance. Many feel their misdeeds, sins, and poor choices are unredeemable – that they do not have an “out” for the mistakes of their past. Paul, however, mirrored God’s redemptive love, offering a life that breaks the pattern of sin. He is basically stating that IT CAN BE DONE. One does not have to continue the cycle or pattern of sin’s trap.

The convincing argument Paul offered a second time is found in the words: YOU HAVE BEEN SET FREE from sin! Christians are to realize they are bought with a price… the highest price ever paid through the torture and death of Christ on the cross. Paul challenged any hint of returning to one’s former life of sin when he asked, “What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of?” (v.21a), exposing those actions as that which God declared would lead to death (v.21b, Genesis 2:17). Paul offered the benefit to being owned by God as that which leads to holiness and eternal life (v.22c-d)! What greater benefits could be offered?

Paul’s concluding statement described new life in Christ as freedom from the bondage of sin while being granted holiness and eternal life. He reminded the Roman Christians once again that, “…the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (v.23) These words once again show how one’s works (deeds) only leads to death, while faith accepts the gift of eternal life through Christ. Even if one were able to be recognized as the best person on earth, it would still come short of God’s holiness… and if that one was deemed righteous enough to enter heaven’s eternal joy, then Christ died for nothing. That is why Paul described salvation as a gift.

This present offered by The King of Kings is offered to everyone. He offers a second chance… one need not succumb to past defeats. I hope you have received this free gift and possess the living hope of eternal joy! For if you have…