“The mind of sinful man…” Romans 8:6

Having articulated the guarantee of absolution to those who have been born again by faith in Christ (vv. 1 – 4), Paul depicted the evidence of those whose lives are ruled by The Spirit vs. those who are ruled by the power of sin. The Holy Spirit is mentioned eighteen times in chapter eight, making this portion of scripture a short-course in the person and function of The Holy Spirit.

Paul described how those whose lives are patterned after the sinful nature (the natural man – man’s default after the fall in The Garden of Eden) have their minds “set” on those desires (v.5a). Sin is programmed in each of us… to rebel against God’s law and Kingdom (v.7). Paul contrasted those whose minds are set on their sinful nature to those whose minds have been renewed and are now set on following the guidance of God’s Spirit – leading to joy and peace by living lives which are good and just (v.5b) After contrasting the two life patterns, Paul then articulated the end-result of each: “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by The Spirit is life and peace…” (v.6).

We see, then, that those who have rejected Christ and the salvation He offers continue in sin’s destructive cycle, eventually leading to death. They live to satisfy the demands of the flesh. They are helpless to save themselves – caught in the bondage of a repetitive pattern upon which their minds feed. The only power that can break them out of this mindset is the power of God’s love.

Paul is stating that the proof is in the pudding: one’s life – the pattern of their living – is the proof of Christ’s transforming power. The same power that brought Christ from the dead is available to all who call out to Him for a new life, a second chance… breaking the pattern of sin and evil. Have you cried out to Him? Are you tired of living in the grip of sin? Do you want to live victorious over that one sin which holds you captive year after year? He is as close as the mention of His name… the name above every name, Jesus. Call out to Him, receive His Spirit and be free from sin, for “Where The Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Have a blessed day…