“…we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:25b

We’ve discovered how all of creation is groaning in anticipation of Christ’s return. In verses 22-25, Paul compares Believers similarly – followers of Christ are also groaning for that wonderful day. The only difference in Paul’s description between creation and Believers is how Believers groan inwardly (v.23) while waiting patiently (v.25).

Paul described nature’s groaning as similar to the groans of a woman in labor (v.22), still occurring in our time. When my wife was in labor, the labor pains became increasingly more frequent and more painful. In the same way, nature may provide evidence of Christ’s soon return by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, etc. Their frequency and severity may increase, just as a woman in labor.

Just as the creation waits in eager expectation (v.19), so Believers wait eagerly (v.23b) for two things:

1.     For adoption as children (v.23c): the moment when Christians are welcomed into Heaven, experiencing all the privileges as God’s adoptive son or daughter. We are created differently than the spiritual beings of cherubim, seraphim, and angels. God renovated Heaven to accommodate His children. Jesus describe how He is preparing a place for those who follow Him with all their heart (John 14:1-3).

2.     For the redemption of earthly bodies (v.23d): the fulfillment of taking Christ at His word when He said, “…he who believes in me though he were dead, yet shall he live.”  In fact, Jesus declared His power over death and decay by being The Resurrection. (John 11:21-24) The resurrection is not some dynamic or process – it is Jesus Himself! Jesus provided this explanation to Martha at the tomb of His friend Lazarus. Martha chastised Jesus by telling Him her brother would not have died if He had been there (John 11:21). Jesus assured her that her brother would rise again; to which she replied her confidence in such at the “last day” (the end of time, when all things will be made new; John 11:23-24). Jesus’ declaration revealed Him to be Lord over time and death! Email me if you don’t know the rest of the story… because it has a great ending! (steve@5understandablewords.com)

Just as creation anticipates being “liberated from its bondage to decay” (v.21), so the Believer waits eagerly for the redemption of her/his body (v.23d)! Paul stated that is was in this very hope that we are saved. Salvation not only gives us right-standing with God, it guarantees our inheritance of eternal life! That guarantee yields a blessed hope for the moment we will enter heaven and see our risen Lord face to face… as well as those who will meet us there! It is the joy of that hope that empowers one’s patience.

So, on the one hand, Believers groan with all nature in eager expectation for The Lord’s return. On the other hand, we wait patiently for the moment when we will be seen as adopted sons and daughters with a new glorified body. O, the hope of Heaven’s joy! Though we cannot see it, we hope all the more… and we wait for it patiently.