“…your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1e

Would you be interested in conducting a spiritual test that will prove what God’s good pleasing and perfect will is for your life(v.3)? Paul speaks through two thousand years to encourage Believers to consider God’s mercies, which He has lavished on us all, and be motivated by such to live holy lives. Each of our lives is evidence of God’s mercies, and when we live lives set apart for Him – His Kingdom, His ways – that holy living becomes a spiritual act of worship.

Paul described this spiritual act of worship as (v.1):

·       A living sacrifice – it’s not dead and lifeless; people live volitionally – we make decisions based on our values;

·       Holy to God – sanctified by God’s power for fulfilling His purposes, shining His righteousness to a watching world;

·       Pleasing to God – He takes great delight in those who live holy lives and carry His name before the world.

So, how is this spiritual act of worship to be accomplished? Believers are to resist any effort by the world to be conformed to its pattern (lying, cheating, killing, adulterating, etc.), and to renew one’s mind by the transforming power of God’s living Word (v.2).

The trouble with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling off the altar. Our humanity gets in the way, insisting on satisfying the lusts of one’s flesh, worshiping the unholy trinity of “me, myself, and I”. The solution for that is by dying to sin and self, while living for Christ.

These first two verses of chapter twelve are a conclusion drawn by Paul for pointing the Roman Christians away from the licentious Roman culture and toward the purity and sanctity of holy living – making each Believer a shining example of goodness which points to God and His righteousness.


Have a blessed day…