“…he will surely curse You..” Job 1:11b

Many resist authority of any kind, refusing to be controlled by laws, mores, regulations and guidelines. There are three obvious influences of satan (whose name literally means, “Adversary”) and his imps of darkness: accusing, lying, and rebelling against authority. The Bible describes rebellion as witchcraft (read 1 Samuel 15:23)! Just as Jesus is the model of goodness and light, satan is the antithesis of righteousness and order. Satan’s mode of operation (MO) is disruption of God’s plan through division, lies and rebellion - opposing God at every turn. This is no secret to God now, and it was no surprise to God in Job’s time.

So satan challenged God’s appraisal of Job’s character, stating:

“Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But stretch out Your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face.”

This heavenly rebellion began in eternity past when satan was known in Heaven as Lucifer – the daystar! The name refers to the brightness we know from our own sun. Lucifer’s downfall was usurping God’s glory – seeking the glory and recognition given only to God. Revelation 12:4 – 9 describes how Lucifer was banished from heaven – taking a third of the angelic population with him! (Ezekiel 28:11-19 provides an excellent description of Lucifer before his fall. Isaiah 14:12-17 supports John’s vision of Lucifer’s fall.) Jesus even supported the story of Lucifer’s fall when He stated He saw satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:17-19). Lucifer’s name was changed to satan after being banished from Heaven, though satan is also referred to as: the serpent, The King of Tyre, the devil, Beelzebub, the ruler of this world, the father of lies, the evil one, a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, and the Great Dragon.

So, you see, this cosmic drama has been in action before the creation of the world. Satan was jealous of the way God had blessed Job, knowing such favor once in millennia past. We can see, however, how satan confirms to us today how God blesses and protects those who are faithful to Him: a protective “hedge” around Job, his family, and his business; and the blessing of his work – multiplying his ability to prosper. God desires good for His people (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28), and His desire is to bless the world through the blessings He provides to His people.

Satan’s challenge was centered totally on denying Job the benefits of God’s goodness and favor. Could Job continue his devotion to God, even if everything he enjoyed was taken from him? Would Job prove to be stalwart in faith, trusting God in times of destruction and desolation as much as he had in times of great blessing? This will be the focus of the rest of this story.

Thank God for His protective hedge… for the times God has protected you from harm or evil. Thank God for the blessings of your life, even the smallest ones. Know that satan wants to interrupt God’s efforts to connect to your heart. Perhaps we can better understand now Satan’s MO, and perhaps it will change the way we see the difficult times in life. God is able… trust Him.

Have a blessed day…