“…he fell to the ground…” Job 1:20b

In the span of a single day, the greatest man in the East (v.3) lost his livestock to a band of raiders who stole them, killing his ranch-hands (vv. 13 – 15). Then a catastrophic storm or volcano caused “fire” to fall from the sky, burning up all of Job’s sheep and the shepherds keeping them (v.16). Making bad matters worse, another band of raiders made-off with his camels, killing all the servants who cared for them (v.17). Job’s loss of his livestock, sheep, camels, and their caretakers reflects the complete loss of his wealth and ability to live and prosper. However, the worst was yet to come: his children were killed in a horrific weather tragedy while gathered at their oldest brother’s home (vv. 18 – 19).

Can one even begin to imagine the enormity of loss this man experienced? Job had to have known the full spectrum of human emotion in times of loss: anger at the marauders; devastated by his material ruin; shock from the casualties of his devoted servants; and enormous grief over the news of his children’s death. Today’s five understandable words describe Job’s reaction to the weight of all this bad news: he dropped to his knees… in worship (v.20). He didn’t collapse into an emotional heap of hopelessness. Instead, he continued to live intentionally, knowing the best place to be in all the world is in God’s loving hands… even during times of devastation and loss. Bad things do happen to good people.

Job provided a well-grounded (excuse the pun) spiritual perspective:

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and The Lord has taken away; may the name of The Lord be praised.” (v.21)

Job’s response was one of faith, never blaming God for wrongdoing (v.22). Job’s life teaches us today to trust God in every moment and for every tomorrow. We cannot know what a day will bring. Trying to anticipate what tomorrow may bring could lead one into insanity. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace and a sound mind (1 Corinthians 14:33). God’s Word assures us that He will keep those in perfect peace whose minds trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3).

In times of blessing and in times of loss, worship The Lord for His lovingkindness, His perfect will, and His grace to be sufficient for every moment.

Have a blessed day…