“…holding on to your integrity?” Job 2:9b

As if talking in today’s vernacular, these five words from Job’s wife show an attitude of hopelessness. Her full query spoke like this: “Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!” (v.9a-c) Job’s wife reflected the conclusion many come to have after going through difficulty: what good does living lives fully devoted to God if it doesn’t lead to a life of blessing and increase?

Job, however, would have none of it. His reply was direct, loving, and wise. He spoke the truth in love when he said, “You are talking like a foolish woman.” (v.10a) Job then provided a measure of wisdom with his words of correction: “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (v.10b) Job demonstrated a faith that understands the precept of God’s will – that God is in control. The writer surmises that Job endured the suffering, refuting his wife’s exasperation with their life and did not sin in his conversation (v.10c).

It is painfully obvious that Job’s wife was not on the same spiritual page as her husband. It must have been painful for her to watch Job suffer, and she saw no end in sight to the devastation and ruin. This was not what she had enrolled for in the blessing of marriage. They had rejoiced in the births of their children, enjoyed great blessing and wealth, and known the respect of others from their region… only to see it all go away. When one member of a couple suffers, they both suffer – and Job’s wife is a very real character in this drama who is often forgotten.

Let me speak to married couples for just a moment. There are times when a couple will not be on the same page in life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and even motivationally (just to name a few). For this reason, couples need to regularly articulate their joys, successes, failures, and fears to each other; and they need to keep the lines of communication open to encourage and feed each other emotionally and spiritually. Spouses who pick each other apart are actually picking apart the fabric of the relationship, which over time may unravel. Though Job’s conversation with his wife may seem curt, it was one that was surely spoken in love.

When going through difficult times, hold on to your integrity by trusting God and encouraging those who may be walking with you through a difficult chapter of life.

Have a blessed day…