“…miserable comforters are you all!” Job 16:2b

There you have it: Job must have been raised in the South… he said “you all”! All joking aside though, Job’s reply to Eliphaz’s reprimand and explanation revealed no change in the conviction of his own integrity. Job told his friends he had heard many similar descriptions of the evidences of judgment upon wicked people (v.2a). He wondered if their long-winded speeches would never end (v.3a), and asked what mental ailment drove their feeding frenzy of one in distress (v.3b).

Job told them he could possibly be doing the same thing, if the tables were turned (v.4); then declared he would actually do just the opposite of his ‘comforters’ by offering words of encouragement and comfort (v.5). Job declared his heart attitude to be one that cared for others, for he would seek to bring relief, not add to one’s sorrow (v.5b).

What about us? Are we like wild animals that gather around their kill, devouring each other with unrelenting condemnation? How would each of us be described: as a true comforter, bringing relief; or as a miserable comforter?

Do you now of anyone who needs a kind word; a gesture offering hope; or just someone to offer their ministry of presence? You’re the only Jesus some will ever see.

I’ll be out for the next couple of days. Lord willing, I’ll be back with more of Job’s story on Monday, February 3rd.

Have a blessed day ya’ll…