“…be at peace with Him…” Job 22:21a

In each of the visitors’ discourses, the Bible student will discover a measure of truth. Similar to satan’s tactics, the friends used the ancient texts to support their arguments condemning Job. Such is the case with Eliphaz’s statement found in the twenty-first verse.

The entire context of the verse reads, “Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you.” (v.21) The way it is stated indicts Job for not submitting his life to God… another accusation. While submitting to God (surrendering to His mercy and grace) does yield peace with Him, Eliphaz was using the eternal truth to manipulate a confession from Job. Those who contort the truth in such a way are usually control addicts – minding everyone’s business but their own.

So, when would be the best time to offer such counsel to another? I submit to you that when someone comes to you asking for counsel on obtaining the same peace you demonstrate in your life, then it would be completely appropriate to offer Eliphaz’s advice. To do otherwise is to commit the same injury by Eliphaz – accusing another of enmity with God.

Now, it is true that if we are not children of God… friends of God, then we are enemies to Him and His Kingdom. When we refuse God’s way, we make Him out to be a liar and become His enemy (read 1 John 1:10, 5:10). God’s forbearance is great, and He works patiently in drawing one’s soul to Himself. It doesn’t turn-out well for God’s enemies in the end.

Please consider His love for you (read John 3:16-17), and offer your heart and soul to Him now through a simple talk with Him: ask to approach God; confess you are a sinner; thank Him for the work Christ performed upon the cross; receive Jesus as your Redeemer; and thank Him for changing your mind about Him. Once you have earnestly conversed with God in this way (that’s part of what prayer is all about), you will be at peace with Him.

Have a blessed day…