“…He will save the downcast.” Job 22:29b

On its own merit, this phrase – like the others from Eliphaz’s mouth – contains a measure of truth. The unfortunate context, however, is how Eliphaz was manipulating truth to achieve his own purposes: to illicit a confession of guilt from Job.

More veiled indictments of Job’s wickedness were articulated with words like:

  • If you return to The Almighty…” (v.23a);

  • “…if you remove wickedness far from your tent…” (v.23b); and

  • “He will deliver even one who is not innocent…” (v.30a).

Though these phrases are all true, when dipped in the mud of accusation, they prostitute God’s truth into a tool of biased control… assuming the worst about someone. As students of God’s Word, may we never misuse the priceless treasure of eternal truth to control another. Yes, He will save the downcast… let’s allow God to work through us to do just that with words of comfort and encouragement.

Lord, save us from ourselves.

Have a blessed day…