“I have seen the Lord!” John 20:18

Good morning! He is risen! It’s a great day to praise The Lord. Mary Magdalene ran to the disciples and shared with them the same news that the woman at the well shared with her townspeople (Read John 4). Would you believe me if I told you I have seen The Lord?

How would you respond to someone who came to you with this news today? How would you receive these words? A friend of mine would reply with, “Please, tell me more!” In other words, as John Piper says, we want to see and understand the beauty of the light of His glory, for by seeing we know… and the transformation

When we see Jesus, the risen Christ, as the reigning King of Heaven, we rest in His power to design our lives for His will, even if it means giving our life for it. Nevertheless, we can, at the very least, live for Him and display His glory through a life abandoned to God’s purposes. The best compliment one could ever receive is being asked, “Are you Jesus?” The old hymn, “Let Others See Jesus in You” hits the nail on the head. You’re the only Jesus some will ever see. Let them see His glory in you… the glory of His grace raising one spiritually dead
to new life… that’s us!

You may be surprised when someone, after meeting you, says, “I have seen the Lord!”, because they will have seen the glory of God in and through YOUR life! He alone can satisfy the deep existential longings of the heart. Tell someone today!

Here’s a song I loved back in the day (from 1974) by the 2nd Chapter of Acts:
