“Let us discern for ourselves…” Job 34:4a

Those five words sound good at first blush. Elihu was fired up… he had an audience and for a third time entreated Job, the visitors and any who had come to see the spectacle to listen to the wisdom he would offer (vv. 1 – 2).

Then, Elihu seizes the teachable moment and offered a comparison, saying:

“For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food. Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good.” (vv. 3 – 4)

Now, had he said, “O, taste and see that the Lord is good” (read Psalm 34:8), directing the listener to the eternal truths of the sacred texts, he may have been introducing some solid basis for offering further wisdom. Instead, Elihu is basically saying, “Let’s see how satisfied we are with these words and, if they meet everyone’s approval, we will agree together on its rightness.”

Elihu’s line of thinking is the same line of thinking that got Adam and Eve in trouble. The newlyweds believed the lie of calling something good when they had already been warned of its danger and wickedness. When mankind decides to begin defining the morality of what is right and good and what is wrong and evil, man
always takes the path of least resistance. The abortion debate is a great example of such thinking: removing the problem solves the problem. If we can’t see the problem any more, then the problem must be solved. In reality, such thinking is compounding the problems of mankind.

By steering away from the sacred texts, Elihu made his biggest mistake. We will see how he tried to cover it up in the days ahead. For today, let it suffice to say we should seek out the guidance of scripture, allowing its precepts to find rest in our hearts and minds – providing the solid rock of truth which sets people free from the bondage of the wicked systems of humanity.

Pray about this short passage and allow God to speak to your heart. Do you really believe you can test the truth of something by how good it makes you feel? That’s like tasting food and allowing your pleasure of taste to decide what an appropriate diet should be. I love fried foods; but if that was all I ate, I would develop co-morbidities of heart and kidney disease brought on by obesity, high cholesterol and high sodium. I love candy; but if that were my soul food source, my body’s chemistry would be compromised and I would be at risk for diabetes, tooth decay and a whole host of other problems. Do you see the point I’m trying to make?

When we taste and see that the Lord is good, God’s Word provides one access to the whole counsel of God’s wisdom. It becomes a balanced perspective of all that is good and right. If we discern anything for ourselves, let us discern how desperately hopeless we are without a Savior; though we cannot even do that without the assistance of God’s Holy Spirit. Pray to Him, asking Him to enlighten your heart and mind to His Word, His will, and His way.

Have a blessed day…