“…like clay under a seal…” Job 38:14a

God breathed into Job to use the word which to us is translated, “clay”. For a few millennia, seals upon rolled-up papyrus scrolls usually used wax. The jars the scrolls were kept in were made of clay and topped with dried plant material made into a cord, which was then covered with more clay. A seal was then impressed upon the clay – bearing the owner’s mark.

This world is dynamic – it’s constantly changing by all the forces working upon it: storms with wind, rain, snow, or freezing rain; earthquakes, drought, rotting vegetation, the patterns of wild animals and even by man. All of these impact the earth’s shape, like clay under a seal. God’s description of the earth’s features was that of a garment designed to complement the wearer – allowing one’s physical features to be seen in their best light.

The shape of the earth at sunrise can be magical, whether it is seen on an ocean shore or from a mountain peak. Watching the shadow of night slowly give way to the sun’s light seems to awaken one’s awareness of just how beautiful this world really is. It is only natural that gratitude wells-up within one’s heart when beholding the spectacle of creation coming to life. God told Job that the wicked are denied their light: they can never fully appreciate the grandeur and majesty of His daily gift of life – The Present. A gift that is only as precious as how one’s life is lived within the allotted hours of a day.

As Believers may raise arms in worship to God, even in personal worship at sunrise, the upraised arm of the wicked is broken. In other words, God doesn’t give any recognition to their duplicity and false worship… as if they have been disconnected to access The Almighty.  One cannot practice wickedness and expect an audience with The Creator of the universe. Duplicity is only a fancy word for one who lives a lie.

We who inhabit this earth are designed to bring God glory. God’s seal is all over us! We are made in His image – to discern between darkness and light, good and evil. All creation fell when Adam and Eve rebelled against God in The Garden of Eden. Although creation fell, the earth is still The Lord’s and the fulness thereof (Psalm 24:1-3; 1 Corinthians 10:26). God’s mark or seal is still upon this earth. And although every human is created in God’s image, He yielded His right of ownership to accomplish His plan of redemption. Each person may accept or reject God’s loving plan of redemption, restoration and renewal.

If God’s Spirit is speaking to you now, ask Jesus to enter your heart of hearts and take over. Give ownership of your life to Him, that you may walk with a seal upon your heart. One writer describes the seal this way:

“Biblically, to be ‘sealed’ is to be verified as God’s child. Ephesians 1 says, ‘When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of His glory.’ (vv.13-14) The Apostle John wrote, ‘I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him, one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads.’ (Revelation 14:1) By their seals, these believers are protected from Satan.” (Candace Lucey; Christianity.com; https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/what-does-it-mean-to-be-sealed-by-the-holy-spirit.html)

Are you certifiably a child of God? If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to find you guilty? More importantly than that, the Godhead works together, recognizing the work of The Holy Spirit to be the mark legitimizing one belonging to God. To live as children of God, our lives must be as clay in The Potter’s hands… allowing Him to shape us for His purposes, like clay under a seal. Surrender your heart and mind to His Word and Way.

Have a blessed day…