“Have you entered the storehouses…?” Job 38:22a

As God continued to prepare Job’s heart for the teachable moment, He hurled more questions before Job:

  • “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail, which I reserve for times of trouble, for days of war and battle?” (vv. 22 – 23)

  • “What is the way to the place where the lightning is dispersed, or the place where the east winds are scattered over the earth?” (v.24)

These storehouses are located within the sovereign will of God. He alone is able to command snow, hail, lightning and wind to accomplish His divine purposes. He is even able to use them in days of war! Just as Jesus was Lord over the raging sea, He is also ruler over the weather – that answers to His bidding in a moments notice.

These queries may have put Elihu in his place, as he had attested his wisdom to be superior to Job’s. Elihu spoke of God’s command over the snow and rain (37:6), without any hint that he knew or understood God’s wisdom in how the natural elements were dispatched from His throne. God was taking Job and the audience around him back to origins – not only creation, but of His unquestionable purposes and uncontestable will.

It is difficult for any of us to understand why lightning may strike a child in a ballfield or why hail may destroy a farmer’s healthy crop. To enter God’s storehouses is to enter into His halls of providence. His ways are so much higher than man’s ways, and we could never begin to see life from His perspective… His seamless perspective between infinity and our own ‘finite-ness’.

It has been said that when one does not understand God’s will, one should simply trust God’s heart. For God’s heart is always inclined toward His children. Those who call upon His name may know days of tragedy, sadness, loneliness, despair, hopelessness and pain… and through it all experience God’s sufficient grace to carry one through life’s most burdensome times.

Have you entered the storehouses of providence? Step into the darkest zones of faith, where there is no light to see – only His voice to guide us one step at a time… entreating us to come to Him and know His saving power and sanctuary.

Enter into His grace today by trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ… and you will enter the storehouse of great provision and power for living.

Have a blessed day…