“Do you count the months…?” Job 39:2b

Continuing with the theme of origins, God’s arsenal of questions continue – preparing Job’s heart for a teachable moment that was soon coming:

  • “Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?” (v.1a)

  • “Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?” (v.1b)

  • Do you count the months till they bear?” (v.2a)

  • “Do you know the time they give birth? (v.2b)

Since the dawn of creation, man has always lived as though all creation revolved around humanity. The real truth is all creation exists to glorify and exalt the Lord, God Almighty, known in the holy trinity as God, The Father; Christ, The Son; and The Holy Spirit – Teacher and Guide. Everything that has been created reveals God’s invisible qualities – namely, His eternal power and divine nature. These two main qualities are clearly seen through what God has made so that humanity is without excuse for living unholy lives (read Romans 1:20).

So, God deemed it timely to take Job to the proverbial mountain top and consider when (and likely where) mountain goats give birth. Why did God choose the example of birth? The bearing of young is a part of God’s design for continuance of life. Each species has their own time-line for gestation or incubation, and God is intimately familiar with each one.

It seems God counts more than the hairs on man’s head. He counts the months (days, minutes, or even seconds) for the new arrival of every living thing. Such knowledge was too great for Job to consider, and served as a reminder of how God sustains all creation. Every second of every day is filled with God’s sustaining power, evidenced by the bearing of young in the wild and how they thrive and grow strong, able to set-out on lives of their own (vv. 3 – 4).

There’s another birth God anticipates… and all Heaven celebrates. It is the “re-birth” for the souls of man. He counts the moments when a heart’s door will open to His saving grace and experience the joy of His salvation. He knit His signature into the fabric of creation with the threads of His sustaining power and redemption of man for His eternal purposes.

There is another countdown happening in Heaven, too. Only God, The Father, knows the time (Matthew 24:36) when the angel will sound the trumpet and Christ will return to earth as The Eternal King Who has vanquished death and hell. It will be a terrible day for some and a blessed day for others. Would you be ready if it happened today? Read Matthew, chapters 24 and 25 to find out. Jesus laid it out in very simple terms.

Have a blessed day…