“…he does not shy away…” Job 39:22b

The next example God presented to Job was the well-bred warrior horse. Even though there were wild horses available as examples, God pointed Job toward the equine experienced in battle:

  • whose flanks bulge with strength and whose mane acts as a banner of courage (v.19);

  • able to leap like a locust (v.20a);

  • striking terror with his proud snorts (v.20b);

  • fiercely pawing the ground, as if rejoicing in his strength (v.21a);

  • he eats up the ground as he paws, impatiently awaiting the sound of the trumpet (v.24);

  • he fearlessly charges into the fray of warfare; laughing at fear, while not shying away from the sword (vv. 21b – 22);

  • he is fully loaded with a complement of defensive weapons which rattle against his side (v.23);

  • at the sound of the trumpet, he catches the scent of battle from afar, hearing the shouts of commanders and the battle cry from battalions of soldiers advancing (v.25).

There are skittish horses, lazy horses, smart horses, leader horses, and many more. Like humans, they each have a distinct personality and temperament. War horses were bred and conditioned for battle, thriving on the heat of battle and the fierce contest between armies. God may be revealing to Job the distinct characteristics He gives to each creature… including man.

Job didn’t think he could forge on in life. Yet, God was challenging Job on the origin of the horse’s strength. The same would hold true for Job. Just as God is able to provide strength for battle, His omniscient wisdom appropriates strength to sustain one through grief and hardship. And the same holds true for your life today… no matter what hardship you may be facing.

What ARE you facing today? Where does your strength originate? Today, be as one who does not shy away from adversity when God is our strength and shield.

Have a blessed day…