“The Lord said to Job…” Job 40:1

Hearing God’s voice is often quite difficult. One must learn to be still for discerning God’s whisper amidst the clamoring voices of the world (read Psalm 46:10; 1 Kings 19). Wisdom calls us from life’s tempestuous seas, bidding us to come aside from the world for a bit and receive guidance for navigating through the tumult to arrive safely in the bay of God’s peace.

Oh, the voices of life’s calamity… the cacophony of confusion, chaos, crises, and cries of mockery in the streets (read Proverbs 1:20-22). Seeking a moment within the halls of sacred silence is the antidote for the restless soul seeking solace and encouragement. Turning aside from the mundane madness of daily life is no less urgent in one’s quest to rediscover one’s purpose and calling in life.

There is a high price to pay for those who reject Wisdom’s call (read Proverbs 1:23-32). Wisdom has to call and make exaggerated gestures to grab our attention from the distractions of the world: entertainment, sports, robo-calls, movies, politics, social upheaval, social-media drama; all add to our own personal troubles of doubt, despair, depression, sickness and loss of relationships (in Proverbs 1:24, note how Wisdom raises her hand in an effort to claim our attention). She claims the strategic gate of entry into the city… and she is seeking to secure your attention at the gateway to your heart before being overshadowed by the lust of the eyes.

Notice that Job was unable to hear God while he bemoaned his circumstances. For a while, Job just couldn’t turn-off the recording-loop within his heart and mind. He was suffering from post-traumatic shock (read Job 1). It was only after he closed his mouth that Job was ready to listen to God. Once God had Job’s undivided attention, The Almighty asked, “Will the one who contends with The Almighty correct Him?” (v.2a) While God had been putting Job in his place with questions far too complex to provide an answer, He was preparing Job’s heart for a teachable moment to confront him with the inappropriateness of his accusations.

Through His reprimand, God was working to restore Job in two ways: for right relationship with Him; and for providing a new beginning for his wife and him. When God redeems, God restores. He has always displayed His loving kindness in ways which restore those who exercise faith in Him.

Have you heard the voice of God lately? How can you tell? Well, for one, God’s voice always challenges your conventional understanding of things… including conventional wisdom – man’s wisdom of political correctness and self-centered thinking. Secondly, God’s voice quite often arises from within you, speaking guidance in ways you would never come up with on your own merit. (I could provide examples, but you’d never believe them. However, if you really would be interested in some examples, email me: steve@5understandablewords.com, and I will be glad to provide some.) Thirdly, God’s voice will never contradict the guidance He has provided in His Word. So, read His word… often… in a quiet place with no distractions. Listen… He will speak.

Have a blessed day…