“…The Lord spoke to Job…” Job 40:6

Most often, God speaks in the stillness of a moment… with a quiet, comforting voice. Such was not this case the second time, as God was speaking to Job, once again, from a storm. The Lord is long-suffering and patient to a point; once God has offered many opportunities for one to recognize His greatness without results, the voice of authority and discipline becomes present: God’s voice from the storm of His wrath.

What did Job hear in the storm? God prepared Job’s heart with the same words spoken earlier (see Job 38:3): “Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” (v.7) Having shriveled before God (vv. 4 – 5), God once again directed Job to ‘man-up’, for he was about to receive a more direct line of questioning. God was going to require Job to give an account for his words.

Have your words ever come back to haunt you? It has been said that the words from one’s mouth should be pleasant and good, for one never knows when one may have to eat them. There is a measure of grace present in God’s address to Job – he didn’t smite him on the spot; neither did He turn His back on Job. God’s grace was present in continuing the dialogue.

We can learn from this moment in the story. We can learn from God’s example to keep the dialogue going with those who may be angry with you. We needn’t write-off another over hurt feelings. We live in a convenient society; so much so, that now relationships have to be convenient and non-threatening or we discard the relationship like a piece of trash. It’s actually become quite popular. It’s called, removing the drama from one’s life.

Isn’t it the drama that makes for interesting life? Isn’t it worth investing in another to save a relationship which may have been built on years of trust? A relationship can come out of conflict stronger than ever if both sides find a mutually agreeable point of compromise. If not compromise, simply agreeing to disagree about certain things without being disagreeable. God help us if we will throw away a relationship, even by a careless action which may have caused pain. Christians especially should be able to work through their offences and disagreements.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to end up like Job: hearing God’s voice from the storm. I prefer His soft, gentle voice.

Have a blessed day…