“…the Lord accepted Job’s prayer.” Job 42:9b

There had been a rift between God and Job, however once Job acknowledged the error of his ways and repented, God absolved Job from any hindrance to Heaven’s throne (vv. 2 – 6). There are times when repentance is quite public. By the time Job arrived to the understanding of his need for repentance, his wife, three friends, Elihu and possibly others were present to hear Job admit he had spoken of things about which he had no understanding (v. 3b). Job’s new insight led him to realize they were things too wonderful to grasp previously (v.3c).

Perhaps, every Believer may go through dry periods when scriptural insight or spiritual awareness seems void of any real fresh word from God. Then, in a moment of serendipitous splendor, God speaks and one is bathed in a flood of discovery of things previously too wonderful to see! Is it possible that such moments could occur more frequently if one would simply approach The Father more often? Like a toddler’s waddled, unsteady approach to an adult, with the obvious ‘signs’ to be lifted and placed upon the adult’s lap, the effort provides the child a new perspective.

An even better example could be a child being place upon her/his father’s shoulders to behold the wonders unattainable before… by one only knee-high to a grasshopper (as my grandmother used to say). Are we spiritually knee-high to a grasshopper, seeking the strong arms of The Father to lift us up to new and superior viewpoints? How wonderful to see those things which before were impossible to see because there were just too many things in the way.

At times, one cannot see the forest for the trees standing in the way. One needs to scale the heights of the mountain for the grander perspective… to be lifted higher. It changes one’s orientation… ushering-in new confidence in what one knows through personal experience. Job described it this way: “My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You.” (v. 5) His viewpoint had been clarified. O, the wonder of seeing The Lord! Open the eyes of my heart Lord, to see You high and lifted up!

That’s why God accepted Job’s prayer… it sprang from a completely new frame of reference in approaching God: as Creator, as Father, as Lord and King, as Redeemer and Friend. Job’s confidence in prayer was founded upon his personal experience with the prayer’s recipient. It was a new-found conversation… more wondrous than Edison’s first words over the telephone. Job’s words would no longer be demanding for an audience with Heaven’s King, and instead would be words beckoning reunion with The Father.

The Lord accepted Job’s prayer and He will accept your prayer, too, as His child, when you approach Him in the confidence of the faith He will supply (read Hebrews 12:2, The Author and perfecter of faith). Call out to Him today. Acknowledge any sin that may be in the way. Repent. And see the door open to the new and wondrous beauty of God’s mercies and grace!

Have a blessed day…