“…look at every proud man…” Job 40:11b (and 12a)

Cutting to the chase, God had confronted Job with the harsh reality of condemning God to justify himself (v.8b). To ensure Job remembered the teachable moment, God challenged Job further, exposing a clear distinction between the created and The Creator: “Do you have an arm like God’s, and can your voice thunder like His?” (v.9)

Job had demanded the opportunity to present his ‘case’ before God – accusing God of harsh treatment toward a righteous man. However, God would only admit such if Job could prove equal footing with Him (v.14). In fact, Job would have to provide more evidence than being created in God’s image. He would have to adorn himself with glory and splendor, and clothe himself with honor and majesty (v.10). IF Job could pull it off, all of Heaven would offer honor to him, for he would then be on equal footing with The Son.

If God is capable of goading someone for His own righteous purposes, then God’s next statement from Heaven’s throne may be a good example for it: “Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and bring him low, look at every proud man and humble him, crush the wicked where they stand.” For Job to effectively execute the challenge, the first person he would have to bring low is himself. That’s precisely the point God may have been making. Just as Jesus taught His disciples to take the proverbial plank out of their own eye before removing the splinter from another’s eye (read Matthew 7:4-5; Luke 6:42). In other words, the idea of Job accusing The Creator would be utterly ridiculous! How was Job to search the entire world for wicked, proud men? He didn’t have to… he need only look in the mirror.

The only place for those who would dare taunt their wickedness before God is the grave. All proud, corrupt people will return to dust (v.13). Though they may have a ‘hay-day’ on earth, there will be hell to pay before Heaven’s Judge and King. It may not be in this life when the wicked get their just desserts; but there is the life to come where one may be forever banished from Heaven’s joy or be welcomed into it.

Though Job had begged God to take his life, his time to die had not yet come. God still had plans for Job. Not only that, Job’s continued living was a testament to his earthly accusers that wickedness was far from him, and their world-view was dreadfully mistaken. What about our world view? Could we be clearly as mistaken as Job’s friends? Some people do not believe in God. If you are one, would you take the moment to consider the evidence for His existence? Read Romans 1. Many do not believe Jesus is returning to earth, while the evidence for His imminent return is all around us! Search for it in the sacred texts.

Do not be a part of the judgment ‘line-up’ when God will look at every proud man and pronounce judgment upon their sin of pride and disbelief. At the root of atheism and agnostic thought is pride – deeming oneself as self-sufficient without the need for the ‘crutch’ of faith in God. God’s love is long suffering… don’t wait until your dying day to find out the eternal truth.

Have a blessed day…