“...words to argue with Him?” Job 9:14b

I apologize for not getting the blog in yesterday… I had a lot of things on my plate. Anyway, here they are!

How can I find words to argue with Him?” Job 9:14b

Having possibly reached the bargaining stage of grief, Job had stated, “Though one wished to dispute with Him, he could not answer Him one time out of a thousand.” (v.2) In other words, trying to bargain with God is futile, as His ways are so much higher than our own. Nevertheless, Job asked, “How then can I dispute with Him? How can I find words to argue with Him?(v.14)

Job recognized his own standing before God as a sinner would only elicit pleas for mercy (v.15). He reasoned if he were able to gain God’s attention, he would be unsuccessful in winning a hearing before God (v.16). Job was convinced God was angry with him, stating God would crush him with a storm and multiply his wounds (v.17); overwhelming him with so much misery that he would be totally unable to catch his breath (v.18).

To Job, it was a matter of strength… he was no match whatsoever for almighty God, Who – though just, would not compromise the Heavenly standard of right to suit man’s justice (v.19). Job had no idea of the why he had been subjected to such a severe test. He did, however, know he was completely innocent in the matter, while still being a sinner:

“Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me, if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.” (v.20)

Though Job was not to a point of recognizing God’s loving-kindness, he had come to know that before God, there is none righteous (read Psalm 14:3; 53:1-3; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10). The life of Job teaches us to see ourselves as we truly are – sinners before a completely holy God Whose ways are so much higher than our ways.

Our efforts in appealing for God’s attention should not be through words to argue with Him, but through words of praise and adoration, prayers of intercession for others, and petitions for opportunities to be Christ to the world. Think on these things…

Have a blessed day…