“…I despise my own life.” Job 9:21c

While all of chapter three is a list of why Job despised his life, he came out with it in verse twenty-one. Job knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was blameless – that he had not slipped in practicing holy living. Yet, at this point, Job had no concern for his life. His children were dead, his living had been wiped out through natural disaster, his wife ridiculed him, and he only saw his suffering worsen when he broke out in sores all over his body. It’s not surprising how Job had reached the end of his own strength.

Oftentimes, when one is faced with extreme suffering, erroneous assumptions about God will surface as a means of self-soothing. Job was no different; assuming God would:

  • not grant him an audience to articulate his problem (v.16);

  • crush him, while multiplying his wounds for no reason (v.17);

  • not allow him to catch his breath by overwhelming him with more misery (v.18);

  • mock the despair of the innocent (v.23b);

  • blindfold judges to God’s righteous precepts for justice (v.24b).

In truth, God is as close as the mention of His name, ready to receive His own. His mercies are new every morning, and He desires only blessing for His people. God will not allow His children to handle more than they can bear. He hears the cries of the innocent and is moved by them, just as Jesus was moved to tears at the tomb of Lazarus. Though God may blind the eyes of the wicked, it is only used to turn hearts to Him – certainly Paul’s life was dramatically changed through his blindness.

So, we see how Job’s suffering continued to plague him with a distorted view of God’s character, and are provided a warning of sorts through his life. We should learn from Job’s horrible ordeal to hold steadfast to God, trusting Him to work in and through our suffering to give Him glory… just as Christ’s suffering on the cross brought Him glory.

Whenever you are tempted to say, I despise my own life, consider God’s daily mercies, the blessings you’ve known before the suffering, and the joys you’ve celebrated with others. Thank God for your life and draw near to Him… He will respond in like kind.

Have a blessed day…