“…tents of marauders are undisturbed…” Job 12:6a

At the heart of Job’s grief was his keen awareness of his pitiful situation – knowing he had done nothing deserving of punishment, while undeserving people were living comfortable, fulfilled lives. Job could not make sense of evil people living successfully without being brought to account for their actions. He told it
like this:

“The tents of marauders are undisturbed, and those who provoke God are secure
– those who carry their god in their hands.”

Many Believers in our time see the same inequities. Good people experiencing calamity, injury, loss of employment, sickness, etc., often share Job’s sentiments. The disparity between good and evil may even be more evident in our time, as we have access to immediate information in this age of the internet, cellphones, and social networks. From social action to nano-second updates on missing children, we are bombarded with the reality of both evil’s presence and the good actions of others intervening in desperate times.

We still have marauders who carry their god in their hands: those who don’t have any concern for the rights or well-being of others and impose their will over others on the highways, in the supermarkets, at restaurants, and even in churches. The god in their hand could be their wallet, their car keys, or their mirrors. Many of the marauders worship the unholy trinity of ‘me, myself, and I’ and live narcissistic lives of self-indulgence, disregarding the needs around them.

The reality known by Job has been around since the fall of man, and will continue to exist until the return of Christ. Until then, Believers are equipped with The Word to feed their faith and to provide encouragement for living above despair.

Have a blessed day…