“…the hand of the Lord…” Job 12:9b

Job’s rebuttal to Zophar’s indictment against him began by stating the obvious: Zophar’s descriptions of God’s character were commonly known, not taking a sophisticated scholar to discern them (see 11:7-19; 12:3c). The second tier of Job’s rebuttal is in reference to creation: the fallen world and all its creatures knew the same truth Job knew – life isn’t fair – bad things are going to happen. Job’s
description went like this:

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” (vv. 7 – 10)

The animal kingdom found on land and in the sea is ferocious: the strong prey upon the weak, with the food chain being the driving force behind most of it, while territorial dominance and reproduction are secondary instincts of animals. Mother earth is no less fair to mankind – she plays no favorites when it comes to natural disasters, weather related catastrophes or freakish calamities – such as falling tree limbs or sink holes. They are all the result of a fallen world, the product of man’s rebellion in The Garden of Eden.

The Bible teaches us that God is keenly aware of the smallest events, even when a sparrow falls to the ground (read Matthew 10:29). Job recognized God’s sovereignty in it all. While Job groaned to be restored, so the earth and all in it groans, looking to the day Christ will return and make all things new (read Romans 8:19-23).

Just as the hand of the Lord was in banishing Adam and Eve from The Garden, so His hand will be just as strong in rebuilding His creation. Job also speaks to us through centuries past, encouraging us to see God’s hand at work in our lives. Though Job wanted an audience with God, his motivation was based on a personal
relationship with Him – knowing God as a benevolent and kind Father.

Do we see the hand of the Lord working in our lives? Do we see His hand intervening in world affairs, wars, etc.? God is working all things out for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (read Romans 8:28). Trust Him, even when your way in this world is fraught with trouble.

Have a blessed day…