"…counsel and understanding are His.” Job 12:13b

Once again, God breathed into flesh to record timeless qualities of His character. Job had attributed the disruption of peace throughout the earth to the hand of the Lord by His judgment of man’s sin. Then, Job asked three questions to prepare his audience of nay-sayers for, yet, another description of God’s
eternal attributes:

  1. “Does not the ear test words as the tongue tastes food?” (v.11)

  2. “Is not wisdom found among the aged? (v.12a)

  3. “Does not long life bring understanding? (v.12b)

These questions are posed as a pre-Socraterian teaching tool in wisdom literature to entice the mind for learning. Comparisons were utilized in Job’s day to provide clarity and ease of learning. The elderly were highly honored, with wisdom and understanding being a natural by-product to those who have lived a long life. However, such may not be the case, as many have lived lives plagued by repeated acts of evil or selfishness.

Job began describing God by attributing all wisdom, power, counsel and understanding to Him (v.13). With wisdom comes power to provide counsel to others, while possessing an understanding heart to the needs and problems of others. There is strength in wisdom; a strength which is shown in knowing when to provide answers and when to withhold answers.

In God’s unmatched wisdom are the interventions He may impose upon humanity… usually to address the sin and rebellion of humanity:

  • “What He tears down cannot be rebuilt…” (v.14a)

  • “…the man He imprisons cannot be released.” (v.14b)

  • “If He holds back the waters, there is drought…” (v.15a)

  • “…if He lets them loose, they devastate the land.” (v.15b)

In these few verses, the Bible student may recall the Great Flood; Joseph being wrongfully imprisoned; the drought Elijah prayed for, as well as the rains he prayed for to end the drought. Each of these are significant points in the history of Israel which Job may have unknowingly prophesied through these words.

When you come to a point in life when nothing makes sense, go to The Lord, for counsel and understanding are His, and He will make a way for you which will be as obvious as a highway in the desert.

Have a blessed day…