“…He will save His people…” Matthew 1:21b

This was written yesterday, but then I got interrupted and that’s why I am sharing it with you today:

The events surrounding Jesus’ birth are recorded for us to consider the many aspects of His deity and delivery. Matthew’s account is heavily bent to a Jewish perspective – namely that Jesus came to save the Jews. Of course, we know God’s plan for Israel was to bless all nations with a savior who would save all mankind.

Matthew described Joseph as being a righteous man (v.19a) who took the high road after his betrothed informed him she was pregnant. That was a real problem, for they had never consummated their relationship. Joseph planned to quietly end the relationship, not wanting to cause Mary any public disgrace (v.19b&c). The
night before Joseph was going to break the news to Mary, an angel appeared to him in a dream and explained to him that the baby inside Mary’s body was conceived immaculately – through the Holy Spirit! The angel then instructed Joseph to take Mary as his wife, and once the baby was delivered, to name the
baby Jesus, which literally translated means, life-saver, for He would save His people (vv. 20 – 21).

So, what was this Heavenly life-guard to save people from? Matthew specified exactly what Jesus would save people from: THEIR SINS! (v.21; caps for emphasis) All through God’s Word the issue of sin is presented, only to be pushed out of sight by those seeking God. Sin is denied, hidden and rationalized by the saints of old, as well as faith walkers of today. People don’t like to be told they are sinners, and people certainly don’t like to expose their sin. Yet, God’s Word tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (read Romans 3:23).

Christians celebrate Christmas with a profound sense of gratitude, having been born again from above – adopted into the family of God, grafted into the Hebrew line through the blood of Christ upon the cross. Because He now resides in the hearts of every born-again Believer, His blood runs through our veins just as
surely as a Jew is a Jew. We rejoice knowing that Christ came to earth for the express purpose of saving His people from their sins… and He included us in that mission! Glory to God!

I will be taking a Christmas vacation for the next nine days. I will return, Lord willing, on Monday, December 30, as I continue in our study of Job.

Have a blessed day… and a very Merry Christmas!