“He leads counselors away stripped..." Job 12:17a

Job continued describing God’s character traits in verse sixteen stating: “To Him belong strength and victory; both deceived and deceiver are His. He leads counselors away stripped and makes fools of judges.” (vv.16-17) In other words, God never looses or fails in anything He plans or executes, and His righteous precepts will one day rule a new earth.

Those who devise evil are never out of God’s sight – He is never deceived and is ready to intervene on behalf of those who fall in the hands of greedy people who practice deception as their craft to rob others. In fact, Job called out the corrupt officials of the court who prey on the misfortune of others in legal trouble; he declared how God would strip those counselors and judges (if not in this world – certainly in the next). Evil people will not escape God’s judgment.

God’s righteous precepts makes fools of evil judges. Those who have been blessed by God with a clear understanding of the law and who stand for God’s ways are empowered by God to intervene on behalf of those who are being taken advantage of by evil counselors and corrupt judges. They have taken assignments around the globe to be light and hope to communities long darkened by terrorism, despotism, and corruption. They often work ‘pro-bono’; they are found in non-profits specializing in advocating for the poor and unfortunate; they are passionate in their quest to let the right prevail. Many have given their lives in their pursuit to expose and interrupt the plans of evil power-brokers.

Pray that corruption and deception be exposed by God’s special servants who stand opposed to such evil. Pray for Christ to be exalted throughout the earth.

Have a blessed day…