"He takes off the shackles..." Job 12:18

“He takes off the shackles put on by kings and ties a loin cloth around their waist.” Job 12:18

While sin seeks to imprison the minds and hearts of those who fall to temptation, God’s love for sinners motivates Him to set the prisoner free (read Psalm 102:20; Isaiah 42:7, 61:1). Not only does God set the sinner free, He also clothes them in His righteousness so they are seen by Him as whole and holy (read Genesis 3:21: Deuteronomy 10:18; Ezekiel 16:10; Matthew 6:30; Luke 12:28). Job was specifically addressing the problem of rulers who rule through evil means: imprisoning opponents to their rule and humiliating them by stripping them of all dignity by taking their clothes.

God, on the other hand, is the very present help in time of trouble (read Psalm 46:1). He is ready to come to the defense of the defenseless, and to comfort the uncomforted. The character trait Job is describing is compassion and zeal for what is right. Faith walkers are conduits of God’s power and grace to come to the aid of those imprisoned and humiliated (read Matthew 25:40-45).

Be Christ to your part of the world in 2020!