“…the sins of my youth.” Job 13:26b

There were two requests Job made to God before presenting his plea of innocence (v.20):

-   To withdraw His hand (of chastisement; v.21a);

-  To bring an end to his night terrors (v.21b).

Still clueless of the test he had been subjected to, Job considered all his severe losses as God’s hand of discipline. There are often times one may ask God to withdraw His hand when, instead, asking for God’s hand to secure and establish one’s life would be a better prayer. Job’s night terrors were a fabric of his own trauma, and he could end them through the exercise of greater faith in God’s goodness.

Job invited God to summon him before Heaven’s court (v.22) and asked Heaven’s King to reveal Job’s sin to him (v.23). Considering what Job had experienced, he was being completely transparent with God – and completely reckless in his abandon to proving his innocence. There are some prayers one might pray with the same abandon, not aware of the answer’s high cost, and usually unprepared for the question’s answer. Here are a few examples: change me; break me (my will or pattern of living); mold me (remake me); and use me. These short prayers have significant expectations and results. Asking for one’s sins to be exposed is nothing less.

With similar recklessness, Job directed three additional questions to God:

-       “Why do You hide Your face and consider me Your enemy?” (v.24)

-       “Will You torment a windblown leaf?” (v.25a)

-       “Will You chase after dry chaff?” (v.25b)

Again, Job’s perspective assumes the worst about God. He simply doesn’t know that God was using Job’s life as an example before all Heaven of what a righteous life looks like (review chapter 1). Job’s next statement to God reveals just how severe he considered God to be:

“For You write down bitter things against me and make me inherit the sins of my youth. You fasten my feet in shackles; You keep close watch on all my paths by putting marks on the soles of my feet.” (vv. 26 – 27)

While it is true God knows everything about us, He is not one to revisit them once His grace has covered them. There are days when I replay the sins of my youth and ask for God’s mercies for sins which I have already been forgiven. Perhaps that’s what Job was speaking of as he tried to make sense of the catastrophes
which had come his way. When it comes to sin, what we cover-up, God uncovers; what we uncover before God, He will cover with His grace. Often the shackles we experience have been applied by our own doing – replaying the past.

God does keep close watch on each of us, and I found it quite significant how Job knew one’s feet had ‘marks’ on them which is unique to each person – just like our fingerprints! This should encourage every faith-walker to realize how valued every soul is to God! You are so prized by God! Christ gave His life on the cross for you, that your spirit would reside with Him in Heaven. God wants to have you close to Him. Draw close to Him in the ‘here and now’ so that you will be confident in drawing close to Him in the ‘then and there’ of Heaven.

Do you, like Job, ever see God from a faulty point of view. Do you assume the worst about God? Do you also fear that God would resurrect THE SINS OF YOUR YOUTH? Perhaps there is more to your life situation than you could possibly know. Is it possible that you have been exalted to be heaven’s example of righteousness? Trust God to get you through the test.

Have a blessed day…