“…I know I will be vindicated.” Job 13:18b

Job was on the offensive, with a “full-court-press”, insisting to present his ‘case’ before God. After commanding his friends to keep silent and let him speak, he resolved to “let come what may”. Job was fully abandoned to God’s grace and goodness. He articulated it this way:

“Why do I put myself in jeopardy and take my life in my hands? Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” (vv. 14 – 15)

With those words, Job reflected the heart of Christ’s prayer on the Mount of Olives:

Father, if You are willing take this cup from me, yet not my will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)

Though Jesus Himself was perfectly innocent, He, too, placed Himself in great jeopardy… enduring the pain and suffering of a cross to pay for the sins of mankind. Job’s situation was similar in that, like Jesus, he was innocent and his life was being used for a heavenly purpose.

With renewed confidence, Job declared he would defend himself before God and it would turn out for his deliverance. He reasoned no godless man would dare approach God on his own defense. (vv. 15 – 16) So, Job beckoned his friends to listen carefully to him, taking in every word. (v.17) Job once again declared his confidence in his vindication. Unfortunately, Job’s confidence was placed in his own ability, stating:

“Now that I have prepared my case, I know I will be vindicated. Can anyone bring charges against me? If so, I will be silent and die.” (vv. 18 - 19)

The safest place for anyone to be in is in the hands of our loving, merciful God. The weakest position to argue one’s case before God is from one’s own ability instead of relying on God’s grace and mercy. Perhaps Job’s ‘case’ entirely depended upon God’s mercy. In any case, at this point in the story, Job is sure of two things: that God would vindicate him; and that the calamities he suffered were not a result of sin.

How will Job approach God’s throne? On his own merit, or by accessing favor with God completely by God’s mercy. How do you plan to appear before God? Do you know if you will be fully vindicated when you do? One thing Job DID know is it’s important what one believes, and it’s also important how one behaves. Job knew
his life was a testimony of holy living – even if he was in the midst of a heavenly test.

I know I will be vindicated before God, though only by the blood of Christ shed for my sins on the cross. Are you relying on your own abilities, your own ‘righteousness’, to get you into heaven? Don’t hedge your bets on your eternal security through your efforts. Trust in the work God accomplished on the cross through His Son.

God have mercy on us all.

Have a blessed day…