“…You will count my steps…” Job 14:16

Job had come full circle in grief. He was now ready to wait on God to call him and begin the process of renewal for his life (vv. 14b – 15a). As a husband longs for his wife, so God longs for those made in His image (v.15b). And when the day would come for God to come calling, Job would have a ready answer.

O, the joy of hope in God’s rescue! Job was now confident in the day of personal redemption – a day when God would count his steps back to the light, never to be bullied by the sins of his youth again (v.16; also see 13:20b). Herein is a picture of the parable Jesus taught of the prodigal son who ran into the arms of his father. I’m sure the father must have counted every leaping bound his son made on the path headed to his arms (Luke 15:11-32). Job had become lost in the horror of his losses and in the grief of his trauma, and was now looking to the day of his renewal, and being found in his Father’s arms.

There are some reading this who are weighed down by their past… and they cannot seem to stop replaying the recording. Others may be overwhelmed by sorrow, or anger, or resentment, or any number of besetting emotions. Look to Job’s life and allow it to give you hope for the day you will run back into the Father’s arms. He’ll be counting the steps you make back into the fulness of His love, offering a new start for you and the hope for better days ahead.

Have a very blessed day…