“My offenses will be sealed…” Job 14:17a

Any sins from Job’s youth would be powerless against God’s absolution toward Job. What a magnificent personal discovery! What relief! What peace! While waiting for his personal renewal, Job had a revelation: renewal comes through the cleansing power of God! The sins of his youth, which must have plagued his memory for some time, would be muted after being sealed up in a bag – giving the opportunity for personal renewal… a new way of thinking, leading to a new pattern of living.

God was telling Job that He would be the trash collector and rid him from the stench of past sins. What God breathed into Job was the idea of a trash bag being sealed, taken to a dump, and covered over. Here’s the verse:

“My offenses will be sealed up in a bag; You will cover over my sin.” (v.17)

Even way back then, it was always about the heart. God will soften hearts of stone; melt ice-cold hearts; and reshape one’s heart (one’s thinking) to beat for His Word – to be passionate about seeking to live rightly. He did it for Job; He’s doing it for me; and surely He is able to do it for you!

Have a blessed day…