“…a snare holds him fast…” Job 18:9b

Ignoring the evidence of Job’s physical condition and caught in the snare of a ‘just-world’ view, Bildad’s comments could be a pre-recorded indictment toward Job, citing other evidences of Job’s life:

  • The death of his children (v.5a);

  • A loss of vitality (v.5b; 7a); and

  • Dwindling wealth, as reflected in the loss of personal wealth and resources (v.6).

Then Bildad accused him of some sinister evil schemes (certain five-word phrases have been bolded by me):

  • “…his own schemes throw him down.” (v.7b);

  • “His feet thrust him into a net and he wanders into its mesh.” (v.8);

  • “A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him fast.” (v.9);

  • “A noose is hidden for him on the ground; a trap lies in his path.” (v.10);

  • “Terrors startle him on every side and dog his every step.” (v.11); and

  • Calamity is hungry for him; disaster is ready for him when he falls.” (v.12).

Bildad purposely added salt to Job’s wounds. His world-view compelled him to accuse Job of evil, and his description continued with specific references to Job’s actual condition:

  • His skin being eaten away (v.13);

  • Night terrors (v.14);

  • The obvious signs of judgment against him (burning sulfer – a hellish judgment; v.15);

  • Dried up roots (loss of making a living; v.16a);

  • Withered branches (the deaths of his children; v.16b);

  • Diminished influence (v.17);

  • Outcast from his community (v.18);

  • His children’s deaths (v.19); and

  • Famed for all the wrong reasons (v.20).

Reaching his conclusion, Bildad came right out with this judgment of his friend:

“Surely such is the dwelling of an evil man; such is the place of one who knows not God.” (v.21)

How is this passage to instruct our living for God’s purposes? Perhaps this passage may serve as an example of what NOT to say to those in the valley of suffering. We know Bildad’s accusations to be completely in error (read chapter one), exposing the world-view limiting his ability to offer real consolation to Job. Again, it can not be overstated how important comfort and resources can be to those who have experienced great loss. We can make a real difference in the lives of those who have lost everything… even if a little is all we have to give.

Have a blessed day…