“How long will you torment…?” Job 19:1

Of course, Job was referring to his three accusing visitors. He challenged them when he asked how long they would continue to crush him with their words (v.2b). He then described how they had shamelessly reproached him ten times (v.2). They may not have been counting, however, with Job, each verbal assault was a dagger being turned in his back. His own friends condemning him… with no efforts made to offer solace. He kept count. Have you ever kept count of the wrongs one commits toward you? Why do we do such things? It may be a self-soothing technique to get our minds off of the suffering.

There was one statement by Job which provoked my curiosity. He entertained the possibility of having transgressed God (v.4), but resisted entertaining any idea of being held to account by his friends, stating it remained his concern alone.

One of the marks of mature faith is being vulnerable enough to be brought into account by those closest to you. There have been times when I have rejected efforts by friends or family in exposing some sin or poor living practice, only to eventually accept their efforts which brought a change of action in my life pattern. Job’s heart may have been closed to his visitors’ charges after being so severely treated – absent of any efforts to comfort and console him in his darkest moments.

If God is to use us to correct a friend or family member, the first priority is to establish a loving connection – showing his/her best interest as both the intent and the goal. If we fail at exhibiting love and confidence in another, don’t expect any efforts of correction to succeed.

I’m traveling tomorrow, so I hope to continue our journey through the book of Job after the weekend, Lord willing.

Have a blessed day…