“His anger burns against me…” Job 19:11a

As wrong as Job’s friends were to accuse him of wrong-doing, Job was just as wrong to accuse God of treating him wrongly. Job articulated his grievance of such in verses six through twenty-one:

  • “…God has wronged me and drawn His net around me.” (v.6);

  • “Though I cry, ‘I’ve been wronged!’ I get no response…” (v.7a);

  • “He has blocked my way…” (v.8a);

  • “…He has shrouded my paths in darkness.” (v.8b);

  • “He has stripped me of my honor and removed the crown from my head.” (v.9);

  • “He tears me down on every side…” (v.10a);

  • “…He uproots my hope like a tree.” (v.10b);

  • His anger burns against me…” (v.11a);

  • “…He counts me among His enemies.” (v.11b);

  • “His troops advance in force…” (v.12a);

  • “He has alienated my brothers from me…” (v.13a), and

  • “…the hand of God has struck me.” (v.21b).

Soldiers may bring home their emotional baggage from their exposure to warfare. Many years ago, it was called “shell shock”; though today, we know it as post-traumatic stress (PTS) syndrome. Those who have experienced severe levels of loss and trauma exhibit similar symptoms. Job was likely suffering from PTS. His anger toward God can be understood in the light of his devastation.

In elaborating on his loneliness, Job described how acquaintances and kinsmen avoided him; he thought his friends had forgotten him; and he felt that his guests and maidservants considered him a stranger (his paid servants would not even answer his calls; vv. 13b – 16). Job then told how his wife was offended by his breath,
his brothers treated him harshly, and even small boys ridiculed him in the streets (vv. 17 – 18). His closest friends (perhaps speaking of those visiting him) detested him (v.19). The isolation had also affected his health and appearance, described as “skin and bones” (v.20).

Could any of us accuse God as Job did? Perhaps some of us have already done so. Life has a way of throwing our lives into a whirlpool of disaster and trauma. When it happens, the first thing many do is blame God and complain. Could we handle things differently? Commit within yourself this day to never hold God in contempt of your life – that you would never be found saying, “His anger burns against me.” You never know… you could be the one being exalted in Heaven as God’s example for righteous living.

Have a blessed day…