“I myself will see Him…” Job 19:27a

Today we find one of the most poignant passages found in all of scripture. God the Son breathed faith into Job, for He is the Author and Finisher of our faith (read Hebrews 12:2). Up to this point, Job had given no indication of any belief in the afterlife. Yet, in the five simple words above, we see Job’s countenance changing.

Faith isn’t the only thing breathed into Job, for the eternal value of God’s Word also inspired Job to speak these words:

“Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock forever!” (vv. 23 – 24)

Little did Job know that his words would be preserved through all eternity! For everything created will pass away, but God’s Word will last forever (read Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18, 24:35; and 1 Peter 1:25). The Living Word has always existed with The Father and The Spirit. He became flesh (John 1:14). He suffered a cruel death upon a cross, and rose from the dead after three days in a borrowed tomb, and – after a time spent encouraging His disciples – He ascended to Heaven where He is preparing a place for those who receive Him as their Savior. One day, He will return! Until then, we wait and seek to live for Him.

What words did Job hope would be recorded forever? I believe the evidence points to the words following his remarks stated above:

“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth.” (v.25)

How incredible is it that God would breath into Job this prophetic message of end times! He will make all things new (read Isaiah 43:18-19; and Revelation 21:5) and will stand upon a new earth prepared for His Kingdom. It’s also incredible how Job described living upon that new earth as a physical being (v.26), enjoying a wonderful reunion with The Lord! Randy Alcorn described it at length in his well-documented book, “Heaven” (if you haven’t read it, you simply MUST read it). Job elaborated on his new discovery with these words:

I myself will see Him with my own eyes – I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!” (v.27)

This confident proclamation reveals a major shift in Job’s perspective. Though he was still hurting, God was feeding his faith with the new revelation. It stands to reason that Job was still spending time with God in prayer – an intimate communion with God where one listens for His leading while pouring out one’s own praises, intercessions and, yes, even complaints.

How is God feeding your faith? What revelations are being given you through prayer and time in His Word? Learn from Job’s life and discover the antidote to depression, anxiety and suffering.

Have a blessed day…