“…you should fear the sword…” Job 19:29a

Once Job had spoken the divinely inspired prophecy, he chastised his friends for their insistence to hound him (v.28a). He echoed their world view which determined the source of his troubles as some evil way coming from within him (v.28b); then he warned them of impending judgment if they could not bring a quick end to
their judgmental spirit (v.29a).

Job was warning his friends of a harsher judgment than what he considered God gave him… at least he was alive. The judgment by sword would be one requiring their very lives; which is why we find Job’s stern warning to his friends in today’s five understandable words.

Accountability is what Job was speaking of… and it is measured through submission to a higher authority. Job was speaking directly about God’s authority being the singular power to bring judgment by death. In fact, Job asserted that once there is the consequence of death, they would then discover the reality of true judgment…
eternal judgment. In my book, Freedom’s Foundation, I present the reality of three impending judgments: one’s own life; one’s country or tribe; and the world. God has every right to judge His creation – it originated
through Him and it is sustained by Him.

There comes a time in every person’s life when the reality of judgment is either accepted or rejected. Those who reject the certainty of judgment will experience the tragedy of eternal separation from God. Those who accept it in faith know the hope of Heaven because Jesus took the penalty for our sin, making one free from
the dread of judgment.

YOU SHOULD FEAR THE SWORD… perhaps it is a heavenly motivator for holy living.

Have a blessed day…