“…all men follow after him…” Job 21:33b

As Job’s rebuttal continued, he asked if anyone could teach knowledge to God – pointing to the extreme position his friends were taking toward him, thus implying their judgment to be harsher than God’s. If God, Who judges even the highest powers on earth (v.22), can show mercy to one lowly man, then who were they to assume the posture of judge and jury? It is only in death that we face the true Judge of all creation.

The traumatized Job then posed the equalizing power of death: one dies in full vigor, while another dies consumed by sickness – they could lay next to each other in a graveyard as the worms aided in the decay of their bodies (vv. 23 – 26) and no-one would know the difference between them.

Once again calling-out his friends for their heartless duplicity, Job directed his own charge against them:

“I know full well what you are thinking, the schemes by which you would wrong me. You say, ‘Where now is the great man’s house, the tents where wicked men lived?’ Have you never questioned those who travel? Have you paid no regard to their accounts – that the evil man is spared from the day of calamity, that he is delivered from the day of wrath? Who denounces his conduct to his face? Who repays him for what he has done? He is carried to the grave, and watch is kept over his tomb. The soil in the valley is sweet to him; all men follow after him, and a countless throng goes before him.” (vv. 27 – 32)

Job added another arsenal to his defense: that of the traveling salesman with questionable merchandise, selling techniques and reputation. He noted how even such a man goes to the grave without ever being questioned to his face. Even his family keeps watch over his grave to guard against tomb bandits. Job declared the truth of the inevitable: death awaits every person – those of us who still have yet to die, as well as the countless throng who have already passed through its mysterious curtain. Death is, indeed, a great equalizer, common to us all.

We can thank God today for His saving grace through Jesus Christ. That grace is extended to all who call upon his name and turn from their pattern of sin. The grace doesn’t stop there: God then pours upon those who walk by faith extra grace for living, sufficient for each day… even the final day. In fact, when the final day comes for the Believer, God then bestows dying grace which fills him/her with the joy of anticipating heaven: to see God’s face, and enjoy a great reunion with loved ones already there.

We know that all men follow after him – the one who is no longer. Are we ready for that day? Do not enter eternity without preparing your soul to meet God. Ask Him to speak to your heart today. Turn from any pattern of sin in your life and ask Christ to reside within your heart, and allow Him to take the helm of your future.

Have a blessed day…