“…deep shadows ring my eyes…” Job 16:16b

After describing the passion of his suffering, Job once again declared his position of authentic piety and practice:

“I have sewed sackcloth over my skin and buried my brow in the dust. My face is red with weeping, deep shadows ring my eyes; yet my hands have been free of violence and my prayer is pure. O earth, do not cover my blood; may my cry never be laid to rest!” (vv. 15 – 18)

The proof of his piety could be clearly seen. There were no robes of nobility or hints of the trappings of his past success. Just as everything he owned was gone, so were the evidences of his past wealth. He may have sold his wardrobe to feed his wife and himself. Job’s new garments were akin to one wearing burlap – feedbags converted to clothing.

Job’s face also showed the practice of his faith – displaying humility by bowing low in the ground. So low did Job bow that dust covered the top of his head. The tears from crying had washed the dirt from around his eyes, red from excessive crying which caused deep shadows under the windows to his soul. His mourning was not like those mourners paid to attend funerals for providing the illusion of the dead being well loved and respected.

Without a doubt, Job’s faith was as authentic as his tears, the dirt on his brow, and the sackcloth covering him. His life was free from any accusation, and his prayers were offered-up by a pure heart. Job was determined to be the squeaky wheel, refusing to silence his cries. He would not be laid to rest before first addressing his complaint before God. Job was merely referring to the proof of his faith-practice when he said, “…deep shadows ring my eyes…”. He was not speaking as a braggart, and was only trying to point out the obvious proof of his lament.

He had learned the principle of praying without ceasing. Jesus taught this practice as one who appears before a judge day and night demanding justice… and wearing the judge’s tolerance so thin that he would acquiesce just to be rid of what he considered a nuisance (read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Luke 18:1-8).

Learn from this suffering servant of God: let your posture and practice be one of humility and sincerity. Be real with God… so real that the evidence could not be hidden from your face. Be persistent with your prayers. God values transparency, authenticity, and those with a pure heart who refuse to give up. What will be the proof of your faith practice if you are ever questioned about your faith?

O God, give us a pure heart and the strength to endure.

Have a blessed day…