“…my witness is in Heaven…” Job 16:19a

When considering what Job meant by this assertion, there are at least two possibilities:

  1. The record of his faith – his piety and devotion to God – are known in Heaven (known by God), and act as a positive witness on his behalf.

  2. There is One in Heaven Who acts as an intermediator on behalf of Job – one Who defends Job’s cause and character.

If the meaning is found in the first option, then the probability of that record being utilized for some heavenly purpose exists. If that record is to work as some justification for citizenship in heaven, then the evidence of Job’s life would be a trophy of great value on the mantle of faith. If that is what it took to gain entrance into heaven, then there would be no reason to consider the second option.

Do we work at our faith in an effort to show ourselves as worthy for such consideration? If so, what is the value of faith in God when what we are showing is faith in oneself, one’s personal effort to meet some heavenly
standard? Can a mortal actually meet some heavenly standard for entrance into the eternal home of joy?

How will you answer the above questions? What is the basis of your faith? What is your witness in Heaven? Could there be more to the second option than we possibly know? Think on these things and we will consider the second option tomorrow… Lord willing.

Have a blessed day…