“…my Advocate is on high…” Job 16:19b

Following his declaration of a witness in heaven Who would speak on his behalf, Job offers the clarification above. This clarifying remark affirmed the second option from yesterday’s vignette:

There is One in Heaven Who acted as an intermediator on behalf of Job – one Who defended Job’s cause and character.

Even though Job was still recovering from the trauma of his losses, he asserted his confidence in God’s lovingkindness and mercy. Although he may not have known Who he was referring to, this passage directly points to Christ – Heaven’s advocate for the sinner, the down and out, and those suffering from the assaults of life.

The apostle John described Jesus’ role within The Trinity as The One Who speaks to The Father in our defense (1 John 2:1b). He’s our heavenly defense attorney! What qualifies Him for such a role? He is recognized in Heaven as The Righteous One (1 John 2:1c), the Lamb Who was slain for the sins of man (read Romans 4:25; 8:3; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Hebrews 4:15; 9:28; and John 8:29). Jesus taught how The Holy Spirit also advocates for those Jesus has redeemed (read John 14:16&26; 15:26; and 16:7).

So, we see by this simple clarification, Job asserted his confidence in God’s righteous grace – not in his own righteousness. Though Job knew of the purity of his own life, his hope was invested in God’s goodness and intervention. In fact, Job felt so confident in God’s love that he described his intercessor as his own personal friend (v.20a). He continued his description of his advocate on high with these words:

“My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man He
pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.”
(vv. 20 – 21)

In other words, Job asserted he had a friend in high places… he had connections. Job’s Friend was seated at the highest place – on the throne of Heaven! Job’s friend was Heaven’s King!

Do you have or have you ever had an influential friend? Someone to whom you could appeal to make a difference for you? Perhaps that difference was supplying an endorsement for a promotion, or providing a connection for a job opportunity. Friends go the extra mile for each other and can always be counted on for support. Jesus is that kind of friend to those who have placed their faith and trust in Him. He will never fail.

Can you say, “My advocate is on high.”? Are you confident in His ability to save? Do you trust Him with your future? Timothy described his confidence in Christ this way:

“For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

Express your confidence in Christ to keep you and see you through to the day you meet Him in Heaven, and have a blessed day.