“…He does whatever He pleases.” Job 23:13b

Describing God as universally unique and without equal (v.13a), Job added a qualifier with the five words we discover today. Because God’s will is uncontestable, He has every right to act toward His creation in any way He deems fit. What we humans think about God’s actions makes no difference to His perfect judgment and rule.

Job, however, was still carrying an incorrect understanding of God’s perspective on his life. Job became the accuser by asserting it was God Who was the cause of all His tragedies (v.14a), and The Planner of any future horrors that may occur (v.14b). Because of his erroneous view of God, Job was terrified of Him, replaying the ‘mind tape’ of his recent traumas, reminding him of his helpless position (v.15). Then Job points the finger at God’s terrors for making his heart faint (v.16).

Job’s heart problem was truly a result of the horrific tragedies he endured, though not directly caused by the hand of God. There are times God may allow hardship into the lives of His children – not as a punitive measure, but as a test for the faith-walker to prove one’s faith and trust in Him.

On this side of the cross, we who walk by faith know how God is pleased by those who live holy lives and worship Him in spirit and truth (read Micah 6:8; and John 4:23). It is those type of worshipers whom God seeks out! The best thing God ever did was to send His only Son to rescue sinners from the fear of judgment while providing the certainty of a home with Him in Heaven (read John 3:16; 1 John 5:13).

He does whatever He pleases… and it greatly pleased God for His Son to come to earth (read Matthew 3:17). It also pleases God for us to ‘hear’ His teaching through reading His Word – preserved over two millennia of time. We need not fear God… there is no reason to be terrified of God’s judgment. Seek to have an accurate view of God and His amazing grace… then, thank Him for His mercies that are new every morning (read
Lamentations 3:22-23).

Have a blessed day…