“…’No eye will see me’…” Job 24:15b

Job continued in the defense of his integrity by citing his observations on those who seem to never face God’s judgment (vv.1a & 12c). He postured how the righteous look in vain for God to enact His judgment upon the wicked (v.1b) – men who:

  • Move boundary stones (v.2a);

  • Steal another man’s flocks (v.2b);

  • Drive away the orphan’s donkey (v.3a);

  • Deceive widows of their means to make a living (v.3b);

  • Force the needy from their begging mats (v.4a);

  • Drive the needy into hiding (v.4b);

  • Kill the poor and needy under the veil of night (v.14);

  • Commit adultery in the dark of night (v.15); and

  • Break and enter into others’ homes under the cover of darkness (v.16a).

Job described how the poor: roam the desert, foraging for food (v.5b); glean the fields and vineyards of those who acquired them through deceitful ways (v.6); go about naked (v.7&10); and lack shelter (v. 8). He went to tell how orphans are: snatched from their mothers to pay a debt (v.9); are forced into slave labor (vv. 10 – 11). Job recalled how the groans of the dying rose from the city and the wounded cried for help while God did nothing to intervene (v.12c).

This discourse by Job typifies the disparity between those who walk in the light and those who are children of the night. Those whose light for their work is only that from the moon believe a great lie: ‘No eye will see me’. They do not know they will one day be called to face the highest court, The Judge of all mankind.

Job’s disappointment in God’s silence during an age of violence, inequity and injustice may be felt by many in our time. Drive by shootings, unsolved homicides, human trafficking, and a host of other social ills are seemingly invincible to our law enforcement and intelligence communities. Pray for them… they have a
huge task and face daunting caseloads. Appeal to God for His intervention and that He reveal the plans of the wicked.

Have a blessed day…