“…God drags away the mighty…” Job 24:22a

Job was unable to see God intervene on behalf of the poor, yet he still had the confident assurance that the evil man would face the same fate all people face: death (v.19). Job described the wicked as “foam on the surface of the water” (v.18a), adding:

  • “their portion of the land is cursed” (v.18b);

  • “no one goes to the vineyards” (v.18c);

  • “the worm feasts on them” (v.20b);

  • “they prey on the barren and childless woman” (v.21a);

  • “they did not show kindness to the widow (v.21b); and

  • “they have no assurance of life” (v.21c).

So, while Job was frustrated at the lack of any effort by God to intervene for the helpless, he articulated his confidence in God having the final say:

“But God drags away the mighty by His power; though they become established, they have no assurance of life. He may let them rest in a feeling of security, but His eyes are on their ways. For a little while they are exalted, and then they are gone; they are brought low and gathered up like all others; they are cut off like heads of grain.” (vv. 23 – 24)

As Believers, we are empowered to share in Job’s confidence concerning the wicked in our day. The truth is, we will all face God, and death is the vehicle God uses to bring that about. Will you be ready on that day? Trust in Jesus as your Savior today and know the assurance of an eternity with Him and those who trust in Him (read 1 John 5:13).

Have a blessed day…